Sold my Spectralis last Year but now i’m missing it. The Filterbank and the Sound of the hybrid synth were really out of this sonic world. Anyone else regretting having sold it?
I’m really thinking about getting another one soon.
Anyone else?
Sold my Spectralis last Year but now i’m missing it. The Filterbank and the Sound of the hybrid synth were really out of this sonic world. Anyone else regretting having sold it?
I’m really thinking about getting another one soon.
Anyone else?
I downloaded the manual, watch the videos, and miss having one, despite not ever having owned one.
Is programming the Spectralis as difficult as it looks? The manual is written very well, at least.
Never owned it (too expensive), but also looking for a used one…
It’s been fascinating me for quite a while.
Not to be an opportunist, but I would consider selling my Spectralis 1.It has been sitting on my shelf for too long and I really should use it to help offset the cost of the AR which I have on pre order. I am in BC, Canada which may be of interest to any fellow Canucks wanting to buy one.
I owned the spectralis for 6-7years and can’t say it’s complicated. One thing i defintily miss and the greatest feature (Even if pretty Basic) is that the analog synth settings are saved in the pattern Data and not as usual as a preset (possible as well) you habe to recall. So every pattern sounds just like you expect it to. Preferred it much over the pattern/kit mode.
In Germany you get Spectralis Mk1 for around 800€.
Half the price of an AR btw
i still miss mine, i have tried to get one again but my money never lined up with availability,
i was offered one for 650 dollars,
650$ ?? Wohooo
I was offered a Mk2 for 1100€. Still not a Bad price.
Sold mine Mk1 for 850€
i miss the a synth, and the killer overall sound, the drums and d synth are great,
i miss setting probability per step, that is great…
I talked to Joerg Schaaf and he told me that there’ll be a Spectralis jubilee Edition in a few months.
Maybe leads to a price drop for the original ones…
the way they handled the ver1 to 2, made me pretty much hate the company,
Spec II 4sale Melb.
Shipping costs and Import duties would be to high, i guess
I thought the sequencer had good options and the actual live performance features where well thought out but I could NEVER gel with the overall architecture and work flow.
It felt like we where two species from totally different planets trying have some have assed hackneyed conversation that was going nowhere fast.
It just came across as overly convoluted to me.
They sound stunning though I must confess.
Interesting…I have a new to me Spec 1 and also have MnM Mk 1 and an A4 and have to say I find the Spectralis MUCH MORE intuitive and flexible to use than Elektron gear, but what’s intuitive to one is not always same to others as it’s a very personalized thing.
I plan to buy the new Jubilee Edition Spectralis when released because there will also be major OS updates for both Mk1 and Mk2 of Spectralis as Radikal Technologies are working furiously to finish the OS and having option for sequencer to go any direction, random, probability programming, random generator, and not to mention the analog filter banks and hybrid engine sound better than anything currently out there. I am not hating on Elektron. I just find the method of working way too counter-intuitive to the way I work, however, just holding onto the A4 in event Elektron enables in a future OS update ability to poly chain the AK to the A4 because it would certainly make me want to then buy an AK and would be formidable pair but at this point, the AK is not on my radar.
Being able to use the Spectralis midi out to control external synths is also a major feature and still feel Elektron has made the A4 too much of a “closed system” in not implementing this.
The Spectralis was my First “big synth” and i found it very intuitive too. Major bummer was the missing midi mute. Otherwise i’d kept it for sure
The most awesome features that never anybody seems to mention are the trigger groups. Me and the Sequencer are not the best friends but since i got a cirklon it is really really awesome as tone module. The routing options and the filterbank are unbelieveably great for absolute madness.
i used trigger steps to put probability on drums, 1 pattern could be diffrent every time,
its very useful, used that more than anything
the spectralis was great in version one, the second version was even more packed with cool features
but the learning curve is quite steep
i kinda like joeg schaafs virtual analog synth, the accelerator, for a VA it sounds amazing
I’ve read great things about the Speccie. Just checking out some random youtube videos and they do sound nice, but not sure if nice enough to warrant the price.
Any spectacular demos out there?