SP-404 Mk2 Music

This is a thread to post your SP-404 Mk2 music, productions, beats, experiments, and other things.

I’ll kick it off with this one:


Love the vibe. Are the “scratches” done with the SP? Sounds cool.

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Dusty!!! Paying serious homage to the 404 legacy, nice.

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Nice one! Has some DOOM vibes, especially with the live drum feel.

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Yeah that’s quality wonky pseudo-sidechained lo-fi boombap. I used to LOVE making and listening to music like this.

Slightly off-topic - I’m tempted by SoundCloud Pro Unlimited as it’s 50% off for the year. Do you find it useful? I’m trying to expand my reach, and would appreciate some insight.

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My partner uses it and she enjoys the extra features for sure. She renews every year.


@isakburstrom Yeah, it was all done on the SP, then recorded the final into DAW for a little mastering.

@Claid I do find Soundcloud Pro somewhat useful. The reason I got into it was because I had a couple tracks that had been up for a while that I wanted to make some small tweaks to, like EQ and whatnot, and with the Pro you can swap tracks out. Without it you would just have to upload it as a new track and delete the old one. So that is cool, because otherwise you would be deleting any comments and whatnot. The insights/stats are nice. I always like to see which countries my tracks are getting played in. I am sometimes on the fence about cancelling, although, at 50% off that is a pretty good deal.

@DimensionsTomorrow and @hausland Thank you for the kind words!

I look forward to seeing what others post in this thread. There are a lot talented people around here and I like to see what type of music they are working on.

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Super quick and sloppy sampling first thing in my youtube feed testing the mk2 type beat:


This is nice, I dig it!


I posted that in another thread but as the sp was the trigger for this, here it is. It is work in progress.

The beat, voice sample, singing effect are from the 404. The singing is a place holder, be kind :blush:

Edit: a more finished version is here: Share your tunes - #7025 by amaury


I post my sp adventures on instagram, if you are interested. Still looking for ways how to integrate it. https://www.instagram.com/p/CXvPmSMNHBI/


I didn’t know this was a thread! Here’s my (now late) entry for 4/04 day:


Hi !
I ordered my SP in November and only received it last week: this is the 1st beat I made on it:

Not sure how to describe it… Dark chill hop maybe ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: