I was curious how this would be so I bought it.
Not going to lie, the samples themselves are great, but I was hoping that there would be more non-sample based kits.
Is it worth $10? Sure. Is it ground-breaking and going to give you a lot of ideas? No.
I would pay more for REALLY good kits, but let’s be honest here, I can load samples in my UW and create my own pack. I guess I was hoping for some non-sample kits in addition to the sample kits.
Rating: 6/10 for usefulness. 9/10 for sound quality - the samples are great and they work together really well (as you would expect).
Yes! I’m not interested in sample packs at all but would definitely buy a pack of MD sounds (does that make sense? programmed drum synth sounds), that way you can see how others made their sounds and tweek them to suit your needs.
Cool, good to hear. I’m signed to Sounds to Sample and I’ll be doing an MD pack for them soon. I was wondering how people were liking the one that was out already.
I was planning to do samples + synthesized kits and patterns for my pack. But, one thing you should consider is how little synthesis can actually be done in a MachineDrum… I think it’s hard for a company to justify selling sounds for a synth that really only has a few parameters, I feel like everybody kinda gets the same sounds out of the MD. That was probably the thinking behind releasing samples instead.
Idk, that’s just what I’ve been thinking about in preparation. It will still be a few weeks before I’m done with other projects and can start this one. I’ll do my best to wrap my head around ways to bring something new to people in the pack. I, at least, think that having samples and synthesized sounds together will be enough - even if the synthesized sounds aren’t mind-blowing and new to the user.
I got this pack a couple of weeks ago and can’t load the .c6 file into the c6 transfer software.
Also it looks as though the folder only contains .syx files and there is no samples!
Any ideas what’s up?
I don’t usually buy these types of things bit did a while back when it came out, got to say I’m pretty disappointed, expected much more content for the price, and the way they used an entire bank for the same kit with no real change per pattern is a bit lame. Also seemed to have those annoying Mac OSX files in the unzip file, didn’t feel very professional.
Chris – the .c6 file doesn’t load. I contacted Beatport about it and they asked S2S for a replacement, which they did receive and upload fairly quickly, but I tried again and it still didn’t work.
Don’t sweat that though. Just load the sysex as the instructions indicate, so they go into the samplebank in the same order they appear in the batch file. The first few patterns sound like the Beatport demo, so I suspect that’s the right order for all of them.
(The samples themselves are in .syx format, not .wav. I find that when I save samplebanks from the MD to C6 it converts them to .syx format, so it’s normal. Not an issue, but important to remember that you should keep copies on your computer of any .wavs you load into the MD, as AFAIK you can’t transfer them back out of your MD as .wavs down the road.)
Hope this helps!
Highly recommend checking out the files section of the elektron-users site … a wide variety of sounds are possible, you just have to dig.