Hi there!
I’ve had my A4 for about a year now, and lately I’ve noticed that when I’m browsing through sounds my third channel sounds VERY different.
The only way I can explain is that it seems like that, even though my delay send is completely off, all my sounds still have a huge delay.
I recallibrated the oscillators, hoping that would be the fix, no luck.
Help me Elektronauts!
Are you feeding the chrous into the delay? I think it still works even if the actual delay param under the amp page is set to 0.
I turned off all effects parameters. So it should just be the dry sound. It’s been like this for a while. I keep hoping I"ll turn it on one day and it’ll be gone.
Performance macros overriding the Track settings?
backup everything and do a factory reset. if that doesn’t do it you will need to contact Elektron for support maybe a repair? hopefully not.
to do the reset just hold function at power on then you will get the utility menu.
Hey! I did a factory reset and now everything is groovy again.