First off let me say I did search for this on the forum, but came up empty.
Before the 1.1 update, sounds were organized in a bank of 128. Now we have the A - whatever letter bcuz of the +drive, OK. But where did the list of my original sounds go?
The only place I can seem to access them is if I want to do a Sound Step TRIG (is that what we call it now? you know, hold the trig, use the level knob to search thru 128 sounds and place that sound that isn’t the track sound on that trig)
I want to make a track sound from the list of 128 prior to the update. I can only seem to assign Bank A or B that 256 preset sounds that came from the update. HELP! I can’t figure this out. Did I over look it in the update notes? Ugh. Frustrated. Thanks.
I believe that all your original sounds from before the upgrade are stored into the second project bank. You need to load that project then move the files to the plus drive. I may be wrong though as I’m on the train right now so can’t check.
Hmmm I tried that, but when I look, I have PRESETS 001 and then NEW POJECT 002, and the same BANK A & B. Both start with the THE SAW preset, yet if I do that trig slot thing, I can select my old sounds.
I’m sure I’m overlooking something cuz my old sounds haven’t “disappeared” I just can’t assign them to anything but a trig/step