Sound Quality Drops When Plugged into the Octatrack

I can hear you didn’t disable Timestretching and filter is also audible


I remember “stimming” pointed this out in one of his Octatrack yt videos. He was talking about cheap converters and why elektron didn’t replaced them after all these years…

He starts talking about this at 29:06 min.

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Check the comments, he basically took back what he said, or had to take it back.

He had timestretch on in the video by mistake and the part about cheap converters, well, the converters used in OT are no secret.

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likely the filter code processes your audio at all times regardless of settings because of parameter locking. parameters could be anywhere at any time, so it needs to just apply whatever current settings are to the audio. why default settings don’t equal 1-1 what you put in comes right back out… I don’t know. could just be their overall filter design being optimized to duck or attenuate certain frequencies by default so that it sounds natural when it changes to more active settings. again, just theories…

you would hear a click from the filter engaging, when you went from default settings to anything else (and vice versa). with parameter locking… could get ugly. or awesome! depending upon what you’re after…

From @Ess quote up thread :arrow_double_up:

Edit: Did not mean to reply to @Motas who quoted the above.

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Did you switch timestretch off?

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I don’t care what people say regarding Octatrack’s sound quality but it was instantly recognizable when I bought mine.

Never sold gear so fast.

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LMAO that got me good :joy:

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In a world where kids are chasing down a walkman and trying to recreate the sounds of an SP1200, the fact that we’re on this rant again eludes me. Give it just a few more years and people will seek out the coveted “sound quality” of the Octatrack.


So I get a hashtag AND a flat earth comparison?

Pure class :orange_heart:

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If you’re going to refer to people as “warriors” then you should expect a bit back, no?

Anyway, this is all bollocks.

I’ll say it again.

If the Octatrack degrades the sound, how come there’s examples on this very forum proving that the Octatrack really doesn’t degrade the sound to any noticeable degree?

Surely it would always degrade the sound, or maybe it only degrades the sound in certain hands?


You got 2 hashtags, but only 1 from a pure classy :orange_heart: “warrior” :wink:

Edit: I was not comparing you to a flat earther, but your logic that because lots of people believe something, then it must be right.

Also no one is defending the Octatrack, I don’t care if other people don’t want to use it, but I like to try and help people understand how to use it if they want to.
Seems the only defensive behaviour is the people who could not make it sound good, because they did not bother to learn how to use it.


What I meant by my first post, and looking back, you are right about the term ‘warriors’ - not very classy on my part, was that maybe it’s a too fine line, you have to walk, to get the OT to behave.

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I think for a lot of people (myself included) this is true.
My issue wasn’t sound quality though, I just didn’t have the patience to figure out sampling with it.

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Totally, if people were talking about what a PITA the OT can be then I think there would be no one disagreeing.


I understand - but I think the mentioning of people like that, carries a lot of weight.


Then I am sorry if you thought I was calling you that.


No worries. I have a bad habit of commenting in these threads, and pretty quickly regret doing it. I came with nothing of use - and that is kinda flat earthy… :wink:


now we get the two longest recent OT threads on elektronauts summarized into one :grimacing:
With the same results.
Now we can all go to the Octatrack is amazing thread :+1: