I have my A4 for about four months now.
I have trouble figuring out how those three terms are comunicating.
I usually start with pattern with basic saw/square sound, and while it plays i design a sound. So, if i want to be 100% sure that every time i switch patterns everything will be as if i created, what do i have to do??
Of course i save the pattern… but what is next?? i save the kit?? or a sound??
Save the kit
I never actually bother saving the patterns, but maybe i should,
what is the point?
Anyway saving the kit is very important, and you dont actually have to save sounds
unless you wish to use those sounds in other kits or patterns
hope this helps
if you work in different patterns they are auto saved, but are not recoverable to a given save state via reload - a pattern always links to a given kit, so it’s a good idea to use a kit per pattern if you want to avoid changing a kit too much in one pattern that is used in another - kits are auto saved too, sounds aren’t, it takes a bit of discipline and i haven’t bottomed out my workflow yet - but i save kits and sounds to C6 all the time to be safe
Patterns are auto saved, if you move to a new pattern it will be linked to the same kit as the one you come from. So if you want to start from scratch it would be wise to load a blank kit from your bank. When you are done just save the kit. All the sounds you created will be saved within the kit. You need to save a specific sound only if you want it accessible to p-locking, otherwise it would just be a waste of space, as you would have it saved in two locations. You need to save a pattern only if you mean to modify it (e.g. during live gigging) and want to be sure to get back to a previous state. If you don’t touch it, it’s already saved. Just remember that it saves automatically any variation at power cycles, so reload the pattern before turning off, if you modified it.
I tend not to save patterns, if I want to modify an existing one I just copy it to the next slot.
So, unless you want a specific sound available to sound-locking, just save (and load) kits. And unless you mean to modify a pattern in real time and be able to go back to the starting pattern, don’t bother even saving patterns.
the thing with kits though is, they have their own buffer which defaults to retain changes made to them, even if you switch to another kit.
i’m still not sure how this works exactly tbh, but basically every kit has a sort of work-in-progress buffer. so if you make changes to kit A, then switch to a pattern which uses kit B, then go back to A, the changes will still be there, it feels like the kit is autosaving too.
This makes it a bit easy to forget to save kits!
but a power-cycle will lose the changes I believe, as does pressing NO+KIT (reload kit) obviously. I think these are not the only situations where you lose the kit-working-buffers though, but can’t rem what else it was.
anyone know?
there’s the option to auto-reload kits in GLOBAL > SEQUENCER SETTINGS if you prefer this behaviour (always discard kit changes when the kit is switched).
and you can reload all kits from the kit menu (FN+KIT), then in the RELOAD row press right arrow so it shows (ALL KITS).
No no no, power cycles do not clear the kits’ edit buffers. Actually nothing gets cleared during power cycles in the A4, thats the whole point of the concept.
I only find it disturbing, that one cannot see if a kit was changed or not after the last save. It really makes one paranoid always saving the kit…
Agree. It should be indicated in some way.[/quote]
+1 although it’s near 100% inevitable that a kit has changed unless you touch nothing, and who can manage that therefore, the kit virgin state should be flagged !
I just got my analog four and i amreading all i can on forums but can’t find an answer :
I made a nice song within a fresh blank kit with sounds i designed. I saved the kit : nice 1
Then when i loaded one of the already written kits and went back to my saved kit, all my sounds were gone. The pattern was playing the sounds from the kit i had just loaded…
How come the sounds i created were not saved with my kit?