Sound browser loading problem

Hi guys, so I select a pad/track, go to sound browser, find a sound I like, load the sound and it says sound loaded. Then I hit the pad and it’s just the same sound as before, ie the sound hasn’t loaded. Anyone else had this problem??

That’s all that’s on there. I can only find Kicks and Snares. I was certainly expecting more. I guess they focused on making more kits, but why the individual sounds are no where to be found I have no idea.

Also, there is a bug where if you use the sound manager for a specific track, the tags don’t work and if you load a sound where it’s not supposed to be you’ll get an error. Hopefuly that gets sorted out in the next os update.

With all that said, this thing sounds great. Can’t put it down.

Yeah I’ve got that error too. But what’s really weird is that in the sound browser (as opposed to sound manager) it will let you browse and hear the sounds when you hit the pad, then load one you like and it will say it’s loaded. Then you hit the pad again and nothing. Hope they fix this soon as it seems pretty fundamental - or is it that you can’t change a sound in a kit?

Have the same problem and also posted here in the forum (Sound Manager problem).
When you hear news, or solutions, then please contact me!

For me, the theme sounds, Preview, load and (Track) Machines and samples, not clear yet.
Is probably in mind that not everything works properly.

Check OS 1.01 if it corrects some bug :