I’m wondering if there is anything like push out there to take the place of my midi keyboard. I am thinking scales and the chord play type stuff. Livid base seems close. Push would be cool but I don’t want to have to run ableton.
You could get something with USB Host? Kenton, iConnectMIDI, Teenage Engineering’s Oplab, etc. Of course you’ll have to spend more money still.
I feel your pain on the USB thing, every other thing I want seems to use it over real ports. I can’t wait to try out my Oplab once my girlfriend flies back home, it has a Device port for acting as a computer interface, two USB Host ports, MIDI In/Out, and CV In/Out
Btw, they’re out of stock on TE’s site. Sometimes the Oplab comes up used, but not very often.
See my post above [/quote]
Thanks - I’m on the waiting list for an iconnectmidi4 for months … wonder will it ever see the light of day. wonder have they run into trouble trying to get it play nice with iOS moodiness …