[li]Why did you not sold MnM to buy A4 ?
the more the better… it is really nice to let one machine sit for a month, and then come back and find new inspiration[/li]
[li]What do you like in MnM ?
sounds like a toothbrush from somebody who lives on Saturn who enjoys trippy shit on uranus
[li]What do you like in A4 ?
warm, weird, plocks, slocks, overall good reviews, seems to be high quality product with littel to no downsides
[li]Which one do you prefer for Chords ?
cant answer, i am not too much of a chord player, i am an anarchist and weirdo and like experiments
[li]Which one do you prefer for Bass ?
cant answer, sometimes this, other times that
[li]Which one do you prefer for Texture, Evolving, Strange sounds ?[/li]
if you hit rec+play then close your eyes and start turning the knobs randomly, both machines will surprise you ...
one can do what the other cannot do, but there is no “better” or “worse” here… it is like comparing apples to bananas, motorbike to car, skiing to sunbathing …
i got a used MD almost a year ago, took all my courage to invest into that machine… now, 1 year later I had them all (sold the AR however, dont ask)
buy them all! … or come over and jam out with me!
enjoy your creativity