Someone have MnM and A4?

Someone have MnM and A4 ?

I prefer experienced users to reply… i have few questions :

[li]Why did you not sold MnM to buy A4 ?[/li]
[li]What do you like in MnM ?[/li]
[li]What do you like in A4 ?[/li]
[li]Which one do you prefer for Chords ?[/li]
[li]Which one do you prefer for Bass ?[/li]
[li]Which one do you prefer for Texture, Evolving, Strange sounds ?[/li]

Thanks a LOT to ALL the repliers

[li]Why did you not sold MnM to buy A4 ?

the more the better… it is really nice to let one machine sit for a month, and then come back and find new inspiration[/li]
[li]What do you like in MnM ?

sounds like a toothbrush from somebody who lives on Saturn who enjoys trippy shit on uranus

[li]What do you like in A4 ?

warm, weird, plocks, slocks, overall good reviews, seems to be high quality product with littel to no downsides

[li]Which one do you prefer for Chords ?

cant answer, i am not too much of a chord player, i am an anarchist and weirdo and like experiments

[li]Which one do you prefer for Bass ?

cant answer, sometimes this, other times that

[li]Which one do you prefer for Texture, Evolving, Strange sounds ?[/li]

       if you hit rec+play then close your eyes and start turning the knobs randomly, both machines will surprise you ...

one can do what the other cannot do, but there is no “better” or “worse” here… it is like comparing apples to bananas, motorbike to car, skiing to sunbathing …

i got a used MD almost a year ago, took all my courage to invest into that machine… now, 1 year later I had them all (sold the AR however, dont ask)

buy them all! … or come over and jam out with me!

enjoy your creativity

What do you like in MnM ?
sounds like a toothbrush from somebody who lives on Saturn who enjoys trippy shit on uranus

Gotta be one of the best answers I’ve ever heard :slight_smile:

“sounds like a toothbrush from somebody who lives on Saturn who enjoys trippy shit on uranus”

Aweseome, this would be my new signature file for Elektronauts!

Really they are both awesome, and both good for Bass, chords, and leads. It’s just that they create very different Bass, chord, and lead sounds from each other. I definitely love both!

Are you looking for that old analog sound or that old digital sound?

The MnM just isn’t an extremely analog sounding instrument in my opinion, but that isn’t a bad thing if you want to make FM sounds, wavetable synthesis, or SIDy old video game noises.

If you just want to sound like the 70s, then you are fine with the A4, but if you’d also like some 80s and 90s in there, then you might want to consider the MnM as well. The A4 is a better replacement for a moog mono or a dsi poly synth, than it is a replacement for the MnM.

One other point, the MnM makes an amazing effects machine, it has separate effects on every channel where the A4 just have master effects. For a long time the MnM was an essential part of my DJ rig as well as my studio. It’s just so much fun to mangle sounds with it.

oh, and it has two more notes of poly if you are into big chords .

What do toilet paper and the U.S.S. Enterprise have in common? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

they both wipe out Klingons?

Someone have MnM and A4 ?

I prefer experienced users to reply… i have few questions :

[li]Why did you not sold MnM to buy A4 ?[/li]
[li]What do you like in MnM ?[/li]
[li]What do you like in A4 ?[/li]
[li]Which one do you prefer for Chords ?[/li]
[li]Which one do you prefer for Bass ?[/li]
[li]Which one do you prefer for Texture, Evolving, Strange sounds ?[/li]

Thanks a LOT to ALL the repliers

great questions here

1 both machines sit well in the mix and ten tracks with ability to make chords is amazing, also the mm mk2 isn’t worth selling on the secondhand market, I would never sell it though
2 arp, strange tricks, delay, deep bass, noise, experimental, cold zones, warm zones, poly mode, fm drums, granular drums, lush sound, pulse machine is my go to machine
3 a4 is warm, soft, adaptable, keys control over the mono akin to moo keys, drum synth is amazing, 101 bass, Juno chord, modular in a small box, feedback osc, subs, filters of twin Saturn, arp noises, plock analog waves, reverb machine kills the mono reverb, cv tracks, plock a sound per step means 64 tracks to me - joystick! - 4 track seq, analog keys just murders all other polys and modern analog monos
4 analog keys
5 both but analog keys first off
6 both but mm goes further out here

all the best
for synth heads I would suggest buying an anlog keys first and follow up with a cheap mk1 monomachine

“sounds like a toothbrush from somebody who lives on Saturn who enjoys trippy shit on uranus”

Aweseome, this would be my new signature file for Elektronauts!


I’m a previous MnM owner, current A4 owner.

  1. I did, actually. While some of the features of the MnM are great, I feel that regarding pure sound quality, the A4 is much much better.

  2. User interface is great, unique sounding basslines are great, you can even get some nice and warm dub techno chords out of it. Unusual textures unavailable in any other synthesizer.

  3. User interface is great, sound quality is great (when you avoid some bad sounding spots), surprisingly versatile, instant techno in a box.

  4. While the MnM has a few nice chord sounds in it , most of it’s sounds work better as mono imo. A4, OTOH, has a much wider palette of chords I like available, due to the double filter and stuff. Note: This one is answered from the POV of a user who practically never used them in poly mode, I’m talking about using a single track to create chords, out of detuned oscillators in the A4, or the Ensemble machines in the MnM.

  5. MnM has some nice FM basses in it. A4, despite it’s reputation as a somewhat thin bass machine, can do some awesome bass sounds if you know what you’re doing. The filter feedback oscillator has such huge bass that I often have to turn down the bass EQ like 6dB on my mixer. It’s not a Moog though, or a Pro One or anything like that. Use it as it is, and explore it’s capabilities as a unique synth, not an emulation.

  6. Both can do those. I wish the A4 had a 3rd LFO though, it would be very useful for those kind of sounds. You can easily make some very nice ambient tracks with either of those. And I have.

In the end I sold the MnM though. I make simple music, which requires that the sounds are of great quality, sonically. I felt that I needed to process the MnM with high quality outboard to get the kind of results I really wanted, and I don’t have the money to dedicate stuff like that for that task. With the A4, OTOH, you can pretty much get release-quality sounds straight out of the box.

You guys are very kind. You perfectly replied to my questions.
