Somebody explain the Amp Envelope to me!


i can’t get the envelope to work as described in the manual. especially the attack seems to do what it wants. sometimes it doesn’t do anything at all then it suddenly works but over the duration of four trigs.

i’m certain that i’m missing something.

somebody care to explain?


Isnt there an FAQ in this forum? I think this has been asked like a thousand times.

The hold time includes the attack time so it needs to be long enough.
Also, keep in mind that the envelope will jump to the decay phase after the trig length set on the trig page.

ah. couldn’t find that though. what’s the name of that thread?

thanks for the explanation anyway!

I can’t say I have found the env’s to act in a strange way. Just wish we had more with some modulation options! :smiley:

if this helps anybody. afaik:
if hold is set to AUTO trig length determines the hold phase.
if hold is not set to AUTO trig lengths dont do anything.