hey jó - bummer, this reminds me of some trouble with my machinedrum i had. when buttons aren’t responding it’s usually time to contact elektron support. i hope someone else has advice that will enable you to avoid this.
Could be racking screws - do you have end cheeks fitted? If they are too long it can damage the circuit board and cause problems. I have seen (and fixed) a problem where track 5 button and the top edit selection button were naffed by a broken track caused by a too long screw.
is your MnM still under warranty? if so,i would send it to the HQ otherwise,if you feel like,you could have a look yourself…perhaps the buttons have given all they could and now need to be changed (just a different way of saying: they’re broken.gone. )
if they’ve been working up until now,then i don’t think it’s a software issue
edit: on a second thought, did you upgrade/downgrade the firmware before the buttons stopped working?
thanks for the response.
The MNM is not under warranty for some years now, I did open the machine and cleaned it, and nothing looking suspicious. All these buttons stopped working at the same time, so I guess it’s not the buttons themselves, but some kind of motherboard issue? Oh well… I guess only elektron can help me out… I did not upgrade/downgrade the firmware for quite some time too…[/quote]
did you re seat the cables?