Some BUGs


I just received my AR three days ago. A great sounding machine! Love it! :slight_smile:

But I have some Problems (I already updated to 1.01 (twice)):

  • My own samples:
    I uploaded a KickDrum sample of my library via USB and C6 to my AR . Everything is running great with that. I copied the uploaded sample to my project, that is running fine too. Now I choose the sample on a PAD (I tried every PAD, after choosing a PAD with “TRACK + PAD”, one PAD is orange!!) via Sample Menu -> SMP (turn knob D until the sample I want, then press “y” to confirm). That’s working fine too!
    BUT now my sample is loaded to EVERY PAD in my KIT. :frowning: all my sounds are gone! reloading my KIT is working, but every time I want to add a sample to a PAD, nothing is like it was before!

    E.G. attack isn’t working as expected. you have to change hold/decay too to get it working, but every time it’s different. This is not very useful.

  • PAD lights:
    Sometimes my PAD lights are “flickering” in a soft light with ending (AR is in “stop” mode and PADs/sounds got triggered once).
    Some PADs have different “light times” than others (is the time calculated or connected to the length of a sound??).

I already updated my AR twice to check if it is an update problem.
I restarted my AR a lot to check if works better after restart.
I’ve done a TestMode run via Early Start Menu with only positive results.

(btw. my QuickStartGuide, which was in my package, was japanese only… :wink: but no problem, because you updated the manual and it’s downloadable).


re: PAD lights, that is by design. the pad brightness/flickering is due to audio still coming from that track after being triggered. this caught me off guard as well but i quite like this feature of having the light tied to the actual volume level.

i’ll try to reproduce the others tonight