I just received my AR three days ago. A great sounding machine! Love it!
But I have some Problems (I already updated to 1.01 (twice)):
My own samples:
I uploaded a KickDrum sample of my library via USB and C6 to my AR . Everything is running great with that. I copied the uploaded sample to my project, that is running fine too. Now I choose the sample on a PAD (I tried every PAD, after choosing a PAD with “TRACK + PAD”, one PAD is orange!!) via Sample Menu -> SMP (turn knob D until the sample I want, then press “y” to confirm). That’s working fine too!
BUT now my sample is loaded to EVERY PAD in my KIT.all my sounds are gone! reloading my KIT is working, but every time I want to add a sample to a PAD, nothing is like it was before!
E.G. attack isn’t working as expected. you have to change hold/decay too to get it working, but every time it’s different. This is not very useful. -
PAD lights:
Sometimes my PAD lights are “flickering” in a soft light with ending (AR is in “stop” mode and PADs/sounds got triggered once).
Some PADs have different “light times” than others (is the time calculated or connected to the length of a sound??).
I already updated my AR twice to check if it is an update problem.
I restarted my AR a lot to check if works better after restart.
I’ve done a TestMode run via Early Start Menu with only positive results.
(btw. my QuickStartGuide, which was in my package, was japanese only… but no problem, because you updated the manual and it’s downloadable).