[Solved] I can't get Overbridge to acknowledge the existence of my Digitone

I’ve got the latest beta version of Overbridge ( installed and the latest beta (1.11) for my Digitone installed. My digitone is connected to my computer via a USB extension cable and the device is in overbridge mode. What am I doing wrong?

Edit: I have noticed that in the overbridge manual it states “Download and install Overbridge on your PC or Mac (follow the on-screen instructions). Make sure the device is not plugged in during the installation.” - This does not make any sense to me.

Edit 2: This is a disaster. I have discovered that there is a 1.20 version of the Digitone software available but I am suddenly unable to have the C6 software acknowledge the digitone’s existence even though I was using it only an hour ago.

Edit 3: I wasn’t actually using the latest versions of software for Overbridge or the digitone, but I am now and I am still experiencing the same issue. Overbridge cannot find my Digitone. I suspect using the USB extension cable may be the issue even though I was able to update the software through it and it is running directly into my PC. Plugging the Digitone into my PC without an extension cable is not an option as with my current studio configuration my PC is in a different room to my instruments.

Edit 4: Solved! After updating to the actual latest versions I had forgotten to put the digitone into overbridge mode again. Thanks to those who offered suggestions!

Have you tried with a different usb cable? Those can often be the culprit.

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I haven’t, but I have managed to use it to update the Digitone multiple times so I would have thought it was not the cable that is the problem.

It’s worth a try. Computers can be finicky - sometimes my computer won’t recognize something in one of the USB slots but when I switch slots it will. Who knows why? You can also do a restart of the computer and see if it will recognize the Digitone afterwards. Not saying it will work but it’s worth doing the basic stuff first before panicking.


You need os 1.20 and the 2.0.14 public beta. Check the public beta category for the most recent beta and firmwares


Maybe solved by now, but whenever I have difficulties with the computer recognizing elektron devices over USB, I typically restart and replug the devices. Maybe restart overbridge engine. Last resort is to restart the computer. Has worked 100% of the time for me. Apologies if you have already tried all this with no success.

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Most times for me it’s the usb cables and the slot configuration. Try not to overload the hub you are using - sometimes by adding something like my mouse or a charger means no elektron devices are recognized.

I was mistaken to believe I was using the latest of each software, but after finally managing to upgrade them both to the actual latest versions I am experiencing the same issue

Don’t feel bad, I forgot to plug the USB cable in :slight_smile:

I have the same problem with the transfer for sending sounds to my DT, BUT… my DT do not appears on the transfer only let me drop stuff but I can’t explore through the Transfer to the DT. The thing is my Elektron:Cycles works perfectly, both are updated and the software is fine. I read the manuals but this are outdated with the new way to transfer sounds, the question is what I do wrong?

have you put the DT in USB MIDI mode?

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Yes but nothing happen is something about CATALINA in my Mac