Solo track effects for crossfader

I’ve searched the forum pretty thoroughly and I can’t figure this out…

I have effects assigned to each track, and I can change those effect parameters with the crossfader. Cool!

But can I select which tracks to to apply the effects to, and solo and mute the crossfader/FX relationship?

Let me explain a little more…

Say I have a kick drum on track 1 with a HPF assigned to it and the frequency is mapped to the crossfader.

And a snare on track 2 with a delay assigned to it and the feedback level is controlled by to the crossfader.

And some percussion on track 3 with a reverb assigned to it and the reverb mix level is controlled by the crossfader.

When I move the crossfader the parameters change for all the tracks.

But what if I just want to tweak the crossfader to make a nice dubby rush with the snare on track two without effecting the other tracks?

And while that’s still feeding back, flick to track one and filter out the kick drum - without effecting the effects parameter state of track 2 or any other tracks?

Then go back to track two and turn the delay feedback down a bit, flick to track 3 and increase the mix of the reverb…

I think you get the idea.

I would love it if you could, for example, use a combination of the track mute buttons and another button (or two, if need be) to be able to solo the track effects for use with the crossfader…

Any ideas? Voices of support? :wink:

You can also use multiple scenes…ie set scene 8 to affect certain tracks, scene 9 others, etc etc…

multiple scenes is the right point to start with.

there are two options:

1: hold down the activated scene (A or B) button and flip through the scenes.
I do precisely what you say by assigning track-related effects to trigs 9-16, so this might be a way to remember which effect sits where.

2: assign one scene to button A and one to button B. You can then fade between them and flip back to normal by deactivating one (or both) scene buttons.

There is copy and paste for scenes. That’s what I use to start from one scene and build on it for the next. Effectively I have three root effect packages and the scenes are like:
1- fx1
2- fx1 + x2
3- fx3
4- fx2 + fx3

My approach to this is to create many very specific scenes. When performing, I will hold down the Scene B button with my right little finger and literally “play the scenes” with my left hand while running the fader with the rest of my right hand. Perhaps that all sounded a little confusing but it’s become second nature to me.