Solid State Logic .. SSL Big SiX

I’m interested too! Seems like the SSL S2+ is working fine with the current MPC models, from what I read at the MPC forums.
The combo would be quite powerful, I quite like the AIR plugins for mixing, but they probably can’t keep up with actual SSl analog components.

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We’ve just hit the peak of this thread. People should enjoy and remember this.


so my problem: i used to have this ssl6
although i like the sound and the feel, i didnt need it
this one looks amazing, will be lovely with my a4/matriarch/digitakt
but… 3k$ :frowning:
might be better to spend so much money into paying off my house, or go on holiday with my family.

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Can confirm, I hook up my SSL 2 to my MPC Live II (Retro) and it works great. The possibility of using a Big Six with my MPC is genuinely mouth watering (or maybe I’m hungry for lunch?).

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If this wasn’t a perfect moment of Elektronaut’s own Starsky & Hutch, I don’t know what is.

Mods, call it. As my man says, this thread needs to be preserved in the perfect state it eventually reached. It would be a shame if we ruined it with further on topic nonsense.

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how’s the latency?

I really like Espen’s channel but if the reason I didn’t buy a piece of kit was because I ‘didn’t want to pay for that’ I wouldn’t have any gear at all … I have an allergic reaction to anything over $250 lol

he does make some additional good points though

This is something to look into as I believe the new mpc line 2.10 update requires LINUX based class compliance… unsure if big six will work? Anyone know?

Reference for mpc class compliment workflow and latency issues:

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Sick - see me post above.

No latency? See the link I posted above. Thansk


I like that he really pushed the preamps to show us how it saturates. Gets pretty dirty which I wasn’t expecting. Now, where can I find a spare 3K…


I would call that flat out distortion. Not saturation. hehe. But i think that is what seperates the big expensive vintage consoles vs the cheaper and more modern mixers. The modern and/or cheaper stuff are “clean” all the way to distorition, but the old stuff started adding more and more harmonics the more you gained.


Hahaha. Definitely. It gets pretty crispy

I read gearslutz and other websites about this BigSix. Do I understand correctly that people are a little afraid with this because of the soundcard (probably more latency than i.e. universal audio) in combination with the fact there is no direct sound-mode for recording instruments?

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Overall latency is a bit of a concern for me, but not having a direct sound mode isn’t. Reason being, on a mixer like this, your latency is always cut in half because the mixer is the half way point. You can monitor from the computer at the same time you are recording something externally in, and the mixer is the halfway point.

Maybe I’m thinking of it the wrong way but couldn’t you just monitor out from the mixer and not listen back through your daw?
That’s what I do w/ my old mackie onyx FireWire mixer/interface

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That makes me curious. I didn’t really work like this with my xone 96 but it’s the same: I wonder when you listen to some tracks receiving your instruments directly, and d some tracks coming from the computer in other tracks, which has some latency for sure.

Right. Unless you are tracking live instruments like guitar or drums i would imagine it would be pretty manageable

I’m wondering still, will try with my Xone some day: how a sequence played directly from say and Elektron machine in some inputs, and am audio clip played by the computer on another track align, while computer and instrument are synced…

Maybe only a matter of offsetting the clock.

But I feel I misunderstood the concern about latency. What do people mean?