i’ve spent the better part of the last day attempting to understand how i can exercise software control OVER the machinedrum.
i spent only a brief moment looking into reaktor as an option, and then moved on to maxforlive.
i would like to be able to sequence the machinedrum from ableton & push; essentially accomplishing all the parameter locking elektron sequencing goodness from the comfort of my software host.
seems a simple enough proposition… but it’s not.
the machinedrum’s hardware control being broken up over several midi channels presents some trouble as ableton & maxforlive do not allow midi channel adjusting on a single track.
additionally, while using the drum rack in ableton i can successfully trigger all 16 sounds (C1 - D3) by pairing a track with a drum rack with a midi track set to receive midi from the drum track. from there, i decided to filter the notes to send the midi notes down the midi channel that held it’s specific ‘controls’ assuming this would allow me the ability to send filtered CC messages as well. but the drum rack doesn’t seem to send any information from a midi device that comes AFTER the note trigger.
here is what i ultimately need.
on one track the ability to send the
1 - BD, Midi Channel 1 - C1, CC 16-39
2 - SD, Midi Channel 1 - D1, CC 40-63
3 - HT, Midi Channel 1 - E1, CC 72-95
4 - MT, Midi Channel 1 - F1, CC 96-119
5 - LT, Midi Channel 2 - G1, CC 16-39
6 - CP, Midi Channel 2 - A1, CC 40-63
7 - RS, Midi Channel 2 - B1, CC 72-95
8 - CB, Midi Channel 2 - C2, CC 96-119
9 - CH, Midi Channel 3- D2, CC 16-39
10 - OH, Midi Channel 3 - E2, CC 40-63
11 - RC, Midi Channel 3 - F2, CC 72-95
12 - CC, Midi Channel 3 - G2, CC 96-119
13 - M1, Midi Channel 4 - A2, CC 16-39
14 - M2, Midi Channel 4 - B2, CC 40-63
15 - M3, Midi Channel 4 - C3, CC 72-95
16 - M4, Midi Channel 4 - D3, CC 96-119
any suggestions or ideas?