I guess this is a very simple thing to achieve, but somehow I am struggling to accomplish it. I would be very thankful for any help.
I want to make a snare roll that builds up over 64 steps (all 4 pages).
First, I set a trig on step 1, with the trig length to 64 and the retrig settings as desired. Simple so far.
Now to the build up. I want to start it quiet and let the volume rise over the 64 steps. So I set the amp volume to the desired starting volume and modulate it with an LFO. Now i am completely stuck in how to make a oneshot ramp starting on exactly that trig. On my OT i could accomplish this, but with the Syntakt I am lost somehow.
Please, can anyone tell me the secret please?
Thank You!!!
If the retrig on the Syntakt is the same as the Digitakt, it has a volume change over time option built in without needing an LFO. Just set your trig at the lowest velocity you want and then set the velocity on the retrig page to 127.
If you need to use an LFO, use ramp up & trig mode half, or saw and trig mode one. If you use the ramp you’ll only need it to go up halfway (not back to zero). For 64 steps, set SPD to +16, MUL to x1, and amp volume to +127.
If you use the saw you’ll need negative parameter values to invert it, i.e. Amp volume set to +127 (or whatever) on the Amp page and to -127 on the LFO page.
It’s funny that I only thought to use such a thing as a long snare rush over 64 steps myself (or more) after you said that’s what you wanted. I’ve only used that option in the past on the DT for very short bursts of sound quickly ramping or quickly fading out over a few steps.
Bonus points for using velomodmatrix for modulating the tonality of your snare roll as it progresses to higher and higher velocities
Just reminding this because I need to do this more often myself. ST has a lot of modslots that can kind of be forgotten due to them living deeper in the menus. A cool drum sound on the ST becomes even better with adding those slots in, for those more Roland X0Xish slight variations/nuances
It contains basically the same (factory snare) sound on tracks 1-3. First step has a retrig trig with 1/16th rate and a len of 64. This trig is copied to all 3 tracks. Individually mute/solo the 3 tracks to alternate between auditioning the diffs
Track 1 is your bogstandard retrig fill,
Track 2 has velo-to-volume disabled and uses vmod matrix instead for a “ranged” level control + some filtering and synth engine mod (HPF initial cutoff differs from preset defaults, coulda just as well plocked it in place but yeh).
Track 3 then has just different velo mod matrix settings (added drive and dropping “pitch” as progresses) but also has velo-to-volume enabled
Plenty to explore with vmodmtx, even before going into the other mod groups…
this syx is dumped from the older ST OS, not the most recent which was released a sec ago
Definitely use retrigger, and set it at a speed that’s in triplets in relation to your track time. Set the track sound velocity low-ish (at least for the trigger for the roll). Then use the retrigger velocity fade to shape the roll up or down depending on what you’re doing.
You could also do some toms on an adjacent track and trigger and get some of those Ringo/Phil rolls.
A little layered/filtered noise (fairly quiet) or a touch of extra reverb will glue it together a bit.
did you get the syyx pattern loaded? Just look at the settings of each track, it should all become clear.
Now I’m thinking I want to dig in further to using velo-modmatrix. It could be a great way to audition all sorts of sequence modulations, assuming the velomodmatrix settings perfectly recall when sound locking. I could make a sound, duplicate it a bunch of times, assign a specific velomod matrix to each sound, and then I can just swap out the sounds on a track (via sound locks), and will be able to hear the modulations in situ without having to plock anything