I know some people on the forum are looking for small recorder, so they can record their jamsessions and all that.
I finally got my zoom q3hd… and i had a small jam with me octatrack and me machinedrum… I just plugged the recorder into the master-out of the mixingdesk
Did no fancy editing or trickery with the video… so if you want a small recorder and wave to the yoube people… this is what you get with the zoom… all i had to do was press record… and upload the file (the included software sucked monkey… so i just uploaded it by hand)
In fact the audio level was -10 dB from a reference 0 dBu (0.775 V) +18 dB. It’s almost as if the interoperability was -10 dBV and needed switching to +4 dBu. The difference between consumer and pro-audio equipment.
your welcome… and yes… here is where i think things went abit wrong.
I will explain after other quote…
In fact the audio level was -10 dB from a reference 0 dBu (0.775 V) +18 dB. It’s almost as if the interoperability was -10 dBV and needed switching to +4 dBu. The difference between consumer and pro-audio equipment. [/quote]
Your both right… (well i am not sure about exact dB values…)
The machinedrum goes into the octatrack in the setup i used.
basicly i turned up the volume until the input-led on the octa
went from green to a more orangy blinky colour. after that
i turned it up slightly more to get this clippy-distortion sound in the kick…
The output of the octatrack went into the vs2400.
I did not use the EQ or the compressor/limiter. but i did
level it off to be as loud as possible without clipping.
So at this point, the signal should have been nice and loud… but…
I did have to monitor it… and it took me a while to find volume-control… during the search… I set main-output level on my vs2400 to such degree… that on the Q3HD… the meter never went into the red, no matter how much stuff i unmuted or twisted on my other machines…
so yeah, it was at a level “that was nice to listen too” … but it wasnt “as loud as it could get” … I think the red portion of the meter on the q3hd is -6db (from the top of my head, dont shoot me if i am wrong… i have my toy for 48hours now
I might try pushing it more into the red later on today.
see how loud i can get it… i found volume-control… so i should not ruin my ears…
I think TheDreammer has only used low input gain on the recorder witout having to worry about digital clipping that can b really nasty on entry-level devices.
Digital clipping can be nasty on pro-gear as well…
and yes, i do have a DIGITAL mixingdesk/recorder… so in general : as loud as can be…
definatly isnt “finding the limits” but more a “safe zone” in which i can turn up all filters and volume things and all that blabla while i am doing my thing.
if i want loud as can be … be really close to “the limits” I use a computer and about 20plugins worth of tinkering… thats an exact science with dynamic fx chains.
Fair enough… If I could overdrive like i could on my analog behringer desk… I would… definatly… but on my vs2400 it sucks ass. (which is a shame…) so after wasting a few recording sessions. I started searching for other ways… Have not tried it on the zoom… but i doubt it will sound good…
so folks at home… try it on your machines… if it works… its very nice.
if it doesnt… you hear very quickly but on analog-desks… its a nice way to get nice loud crunchy beats…
I didnt do nothing with the file… I tried to… but i found out that the softie that comes with the zoom, sucked ass… I tried to do trimming and normalization… but the resulting file did not play on my computer… thats why i basicly say… the device is not bad, does what i want with a quality i expected… the software that came with it sucks…
Lets for argument say: that i some how made a song which is so good that i think it will be the next superhit in the world that brings me lady gaga stardom… I would put the file in an nle… and clean it up… normalize it… and all kinds of treatment … but it be “nasty” if i did that with a file… and say Hey guys… this is what you get straight out of the box
Already made better recordings that where louder… (all levels propperly set) all loud and all that… without clipping and all that… its just … didnt have time to upload it…
so to make it a fair “this is what you get test” I should upload it… and share it…
so you can judge “hooray, this is recorded with care” and this is what we get for our buck…
and i should upload a version which i cleaned in an nle… with propper “mastering” and all that… and honestly say : and this is what you get after “extra work” …
I did get better audio-levels by sorting things out…
the bad side is, because i have to unplug the line-input cable allot.
and i got a cheap one… i think cable a bit loose, so i detected a bit of noise
after uploading… so i think a more stationairy solution with some usb extensioncable to get recordings might be eh usefull in the long run…
It eats batteries like a kid likes a box of juice… so an adapter is handy if you really wanna jam an evening and not worry about batteries and all that… this is enforcing my stationairy idea…
on the good side, it does record for an hour or so on batteries… so i do think its cool for gigs and on the run… be fun share material.
anyways for your entertainment… youtube test recording number 2…
its an ambient elektronika thing… me playing with sliced sample-chain full of notes
and tracks seperate from main sequencer type dealios…