Small footprint midi merger

I recently bought a midi merger from touchprone [2in 1out] that wont work with elektron hardware.

The unit has no external power and operates from the power supplied from the midi input feed (which elektron boxes don’t emit enough of apparently)

I am trying to merge octatracks out and thru to machinedrums in. The reason for this is I have a MPK controller going to the in of octatrack which I want to control octa and md.

Can anyone recommend an EXTERNAL POWERED standalone midi merger that can route two input sources to two output sources.

(octa out) Input A > Output A/B
(octa thru) Input B > Output A/B

I already use a Motu Timepiece with all my gear setup in my studio, but don’t want to unpatch my midi setup when playing out. I also don’t want to lug around a 1U rack unit for this purpose.

Clear info is hard to find on the net. The Midiman 2x2 looks ok, but I have had numerous bad experiences with M-Audio products in the past.


Kenton Merge - 4

yamaha ymm2

MIDI Solutions Quadra Merge

i use the last one, the quadra, but it’s not externally powered. i use an sp606 to power that with the first in, and it works like a charm.

Quadra merge works great and is powered by the elektrons.

pretty sure I have the octatrack, then another non powered device, then midi solutions merger (2in/1out). Took some time to find a combination that worked, but that combination is working fine for me.

Thanks for the info.

Good to hear the midi solutions gear works with the elektrons. I have been looking at these little boxes for a while, but have been put off by the lack of power due to my last midi merge paperweight…