Slice editor + Sample length


First of all, sorry if these questions have already been answered.
I did a quick search but was not able to find a clear solution…or maybe I am looking for a miracle:

  1. Is it possible to edit the sample slices somewhere else than in the internal sample editor? Dunno, something like a vst or standalone app, OS X would be preferred.

  2. OK, it is not possible to know our progression in a sample when we play it back: any solution/trick to solve that? (except than knowing your sample plz).

Thanks for your help.


In USB Disk Mode you can edit samples using whatever you’d like on a computer connected to the OT.

To see your progression in a sample just bring up the editor. You will see the current playback position represented by a moving vertical dotted line.

But is there any way to put slice on a sample that would be recognize by the Octatrack? especially if I want to be accurate and have non-regular slices on a chain slice sample.

For sure, in the Audio Editor, create your slice grid. Then you can use knob A to change the start point of a slice, knob B to change the end point, and Knob B to change the loop point of your slice.
Hold function while scrolling to lock to the nearest zero crossing (shows up with a little square on your cursor line).

so you are telling me that I can create my slice grid in ableton?
How? I am lost. I tried to look for tutorial online with no success.
Thanks for your help.

Assuming that you are replying to the post by musicmagus, then NO: musicmagus is describing the audio editor in the Octatrack and may not have realized that you are asking about an external means for editing slice points.

External editing of slice points would require detailed knowledge of the Octatrack file formats. One or two intrepid programmers outside Elektron may have that information, but as far as I know no-one has produced external software that can do what you originally asked for.

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@PeterHanes: Thanks! it makes sense actually.

That would be awesome if someone could develop a tool on m4l or other to do the job of editing slicing point, or even an app like Storm for the Rytm.

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Hi, I was just looking for the same. I found OctaEdit
It multi-platform desktop editor / librarian app. Looks like you can slice samples in it based on overview i’ve seen:

Haven’t bought it yet, but once I will spend more time with OT ( just got it yesterday ) I will definitely get it, so will let you know how is it then.

Has anyone come up with a good little program or app for visually cutting uneven chains/loops for the OT to create .OT files? I know Octaedit can do it, but it does not work on my computer for some reason so that’s out of the question. While I don’t mind cutting stuff on the OT itself, it’d be great to get something on my computer. I use FLStudio as my DAW and in Edison, the internal audio editor, you can create markers that are exported embedded in the wav file. It’d be awesome if we could somehow convert that data into .OT files. Any ideas?

Octachainer of course!

Octachainer is great for creating the chains, but it doesn’t allow for visual editing of already created chains. i guess I could deconstruct the chains in the future after I make them in FLStudio and rebuild them with OC. I assume that the main slice mode just makes a slice for each individual file at that file’s length instead of an even spread across? So if one sample is 1 second and another is 2 seconds, the first slice will only be 1 second and the 2nd will be 2 seconds as opposed to them both being 2 seconds?

Yeah for the first mode, but you can make equal length if you want on an other mode, for AR, DT…

You can load a drum kit with totally different lengths and slices will be perfect.

Eventually you can keep the files of your chain and edit them.
You can save settings in OC I think.

Killer. I’ll rock that tonight.
