Slaving xoxbox and Miami to Octatrack

Having some problems using the Octatrack as masters midi to my xoxbox and Acidlab Miami. Can sequence all my other synths with out issue, but I seem not to be able to slave the Miami and xoxbox to the Octatrack. Any ideas?




What is your problem ? Give us more details :smirk_cat:

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I would like my Octatrack to be master clock and x0xb0x as a slave. (It does work fine if x0x is a clock master)
So when I hit play x0xb0x sounds out of sync. I tried various setting on OT’s midi sync opitons and switched the cables, but nothing seems to work.
Although x0xb0x seems to have no problems while synced with other things (ableton, tr-08) and Octatrack on it’s side has no problem with being a master for other devices.
It’s the combination of these two that doesn’t seem to work.

Any advice is welcome. Thanks.

I have no sync problem with my OT and Xoxbox it’s weird actually :confused: try to put Ableton as Master clock maybe and these 2 as slaves but I don’t know where the problem is coming from if you have done proper configs.

With the combination you suggested - it works, I have already tried that.
The problem is that I don’t want to use ableton, i tried it just to make sure it worked with other devices.
Shortly, I need OT as clock master and x0x as slave. in my case x0x recieves the midi signal but plays delayed.
It’s a bummer… but thanks anyways.

any more clues, anyone?

You sure there isn’t an old swing setting on that midi trig?
I had issues using octatrack as master and op-1 as slave, with sync and start. I assumed it was because op-1 is weird so I switched my setup to be op-1 as master and Ot as slave and everything works fine. I have never had any problem midi chaining out of octatrack to anything else, sync and start, and never had an issue using Ot as master before I got op-1.
You sure your other gear doesn’t have a midi swing or delay setting? You double tapped stop on octatrack? You hit stop on your other gear if they have sequencers?

yes i’m sure the swing is off on all of them and if it was on i could hear the difference, it’s more like a delayed start on x0xb0x. none of my other instruments seem to have problems with OT as a clock master. so i’m guessing it’s not the OT settings that causes this problem. but strangely x0xb0x has no problems when synced with other gear too.