Slaving DAW to OT, recordings off, masterclock?

read around a bit but still wanted to ask if anyone in particular has had success using a masterclock like multiclock from e-rm to slave ableton to their OT. I only use ableton as a recorder for multitracking multiple one-take recordings. Unfortunately the timing is off when compared to other recordings. There is no fixed grid. I use the term fixed grid loosely as I only need the recordings to all be in the same time/position for easy editing/copy/paste/etc. (i.e. I dont need the kick right on the 1).

To put it another way, I would like to slave ableton to the OT so I can do multiple live takes and have them recorded in time to cut & paste without dragging and adjusting the waveforms. I know the sloppy timing associated with midi to usb, I’m currently using a TM-1 out of my MD (md slaved to OT see below :expressionless: ) to slave the DAW

I know most people slave everything to ableton, which I’ve tried, but I wanted to ask anyone who multitracks and edits multiple one-take recordings what approach they would recommend. My back and my eyes are killing me.

I saw @Airyck recommend a masterclock like multiclock but mainly as a means to slave to a daw. I can do this if it’s the only route but I also need to be able to use the arranger for live shows (no laptop OT master). So I would be slaving the multiclock to the OT to still use the arranger? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of a masterclock? I’m clearly not too savvy with this stuff so I’m down to do whatever works.

I also struggle with the MD stutter/double kick issue when slaved to OT (mentioned here Stickies / MD bug ) and thought a masterclock might help this issue as well

Thanks for the help! elektronauts holds it down hard af

Guess I overshared :expressionless: