Simple Solution to a couple of Short Comings

Ideally per pattern, acceptable per part, scene lockable over-the-top:

Machine Tempo Multiplier
4 digit
4 knobs 0-9
Limit on min/max to prevent lockup (8.000 to 0.125 would work for me)
Selectable to just effect the sequencer or sequencer and sample playback

Solves 3 big Issues

  1. Per pattern/part tempo save (with a little arithmetic)
    2)Ability to record longer samples in step
    3)Vinyl style tempo changes: Time/pitch shift together preserve transients, reduce artifacts, blah, blah, blah

+1 Great idea!


Yet more nice ideas for this lovely machine.

I do hope our waiting will yield some of the much-needed and much-asked for updating.

I do have faith that Elektron will deliver eventually - despite the “new machine” sidebars. I love the new Reverbs they gave us last time and do appreciate new features - I just want some of the utilitarian stuff that’s needed.

definitely +1

it’d have to be a machine to scene lock, yeah?

could be cool as part of the master track?

i mean i think the master track would make more sense as a machine too. :slight_smile: