Bought an OT not long ago. I’ve owned a MD for some years, and very often on the MD I use the “pseudo-sidechaining-trick”, where you set one track to trigger another tracks LFO, causing the latter track to ‘duck’ every time the fist track is trigged.
Is there any way of doing the same on the OT. Any way of creating that kind of ducking effect between tracks?
Hey there. I’m not sure about going between different tracks but I get a side chain by using an LFO assigned to volume and playing with the settings - putting trigs in to match the trigger sound etc.
You can also use the volume on the amp page and place a parameter lock with the volume down on every trig you want it on - then use the slide function so it flows - if that makes sense.
instead of trigs, you can also use the LFO designer to make the custom waveform match the sidechain source (well, drums;))
if you have a regular 4x4 beat then just use the basic waveform and that’s that. just be sure to set the LFO to ‘sync trig’, so that it starts along with the track.
Having the similar problem, I went for a more complicated solution… and made myself a small MIDI sidechain box using an Arduino.
It allows me to use MIDI tracks from the Machinedrum to trigger MIDI enveloppes to duck various channels of the Octatrack, adjust the sidechain amount and release time, and is fully programmable if I need to.
^ that’s the organic bit, I take it - leaving some uncompressed signal in the mix? it’s even more super ultra cool if call it new york compression which it basically is;)
jokes aside, this is a great trick! thank you for sharing