Shruthi-1 + OT & MD ... my vacation

First something to dance on at the end of summer

With big thanks to Moritz for his 909 inspired MD template

Afterwards chillin and seeing the stars from space


In both live jams Shruthi-1 does all the synth stuff, OT fx and sequencing, MD for percussion.
I also used a bcr2000 for mixing volume on diffrent OT-tracks at the same time.

First track… WICKED!!! Amazing smooth sounds. and Moritz’s template does rock!!! It make’s improvising and jamming so much fun:) I’ll comment on the second track when I have another spare moment:)

Second track is cool, but the 1st is just so wicked. Awesome vibe, good movement. Cheers:)

Thanks DaCaVa for listening and commenting.

But in the first jam I am unsatisfied with the snare. It clips and makes more “click” then “zssssch”.
With the groove I am also very happy :slight_smile:

First track is good!

What are you using for the SD? I’ve been pretty happy with most. For a 909ish sounding snare the Brush Snare works well if you tweek the real parameters than do an EQ boost. You can get the ZSSSSSCH sound your looking for:) Either that or layer your SD with a CP - use the trigger feature:)