If you like all your samples stored in relevant folder depending on type, rather than having them all lumped in together then organizing a large sample library of samples taken live on the OT is difficult without using a computer.
Samples taken with the OT either save into the audio pool or the current project. So if you want to organise them in specified folders and sub folders you’re going to have to resort to a computer at some point anyway.
However if you decide to proceed then making chains of similar one shots is a great way to keep organised and save sample slot space (64 kicks, 64 tech snares, 64 dub snares, 64 stabs etc). I’ve added a description of how to make chains using the OT at the bottom.
Anyway here are the steps for taking one shot samples: (you’ll need to set up a midi track to trigger your external unit as well. those steps are not included here). Obviously once yo have the project set up properly the steps are reduced.
EDIT. Apologies for the list formatting. Gremlins in the forum…
• Func + Bank (opens track trig editor)
• Select REC TRG
• Func + Trig 1 (enters one shot rec trig)
• Func A-B (open recoding set up menu 1)
• Hold one shot rec trig and select your sampling input (s) by pressing A-B (or C-D or midi) In window title is inverted to show which ones are selected and leds light up for hte respective keys
· Set number of recording steps. Eg 4 for ¼ beat
• Func + C-D (opens record set up menu 2)
• Set FIN to 0.063 to set a tiny click - avoiding fade
• Press play
• Press stop
• From either one of the Rec setup menus press Func + Bank
• Select save this recording
• Press enter/yes
• Func + Play (clear sample name)
• Name sample and give it a number at the end
· Func + Rec (copy sample name so you can repaste it and
only add successivenumber
• Press Enter/Yes
• Chooses Assign to free flex or assign to free static
• Press Enter/Yes
It is very useful to keep your one shots in chains of similar samples. (or experiment with random chains….you can get fit many more samples into your slots and select them quickly and easily using the slice parameter…and generate variations using lfo to slice etc)
Below is a repost from another thread on how to use the OT to make perfect one shot chains.
if you want to stay in the OT to make chains rather than use Live etc:
this is a direct port from the ableton method of making chains using drum racks and midi triggers.
Keep things organised and set up a dedicated chain making project.
lets say you want to make a chain of short one shot percussion sounds. if necessary set your project tempo accordingly (and turn time stretch off for the samples) to give the individual hits time to play to completion without being cut off by the following trig or use trigs at the correct beat divisions for your material 1/16ths, 1/8ths, 1/4ths etc
• load up slots with as many samples as you want in your chain (up to 64)
• lay out the same number of trigs
• sample lock each trig to the samples in your slots
• set up a track recorder with a one shot trig to record the track you’re placing trigs on (default amount of ram assigned to the track recorders is 16 seconds. 64 steps or 4 bars at 120 bpm is 8 seconds for example.)
• press play
• save your recorded sample
• load the sample to a slot, slice it, name it and save it (important as the slice info is not by default saved with the sample)
This method ensures you have the same temporal distance between your sample starts in the chain for the OT’s auto slice divisions to work. I don’t know whether it’s quicker than having samples of silence to paste hits into but I suspect when the dedicated project is set up properly , it is.
Also by setting up the correct tempo multipliers at fractions (timestretch on or off depending) you can even make chains of quite long phrases that you have sampled previously.