Short MIDI / audio cables?

I recently got into machinedrum and analog four, so much that the duo is now my entire live setup (Sometimes i bring out the modular). I bought the Company of Quail dual electron folding truss system, and LOVE it!! My only problem is that all my midi and Audio cables are minimum 3 feet long and I have several feet of cable dangling behind the desk/table. I would love to find some cables that are about 1.5 feet, but can’t find anything less than 3!

another option i thought about is getting custom length cables made, but I don’t know if this is possible at all. or maybe get some 3 foot ProCo cables and shorten them at home (the metal ends look like they are user serviceable, but I’m not sure).

Any thoughts?

Short MIDI cables certainly exist. See for example the top results at for 0.3m (1 feet).

If you are in the US, I love

If you don’t find them on any stores, you can for sure made them by yourself, or ask a specialist shop to do them (i did it a lot a few years ago).

See there :

30 cm ! 50cm ! 60cm ! whatever you want :).

Check also the Yellow Cable, they got all

This is a perfect opportunity to make your own. Trust me, it will change your music equipment life. This is a basic enough project to learn on too, I highly recommend it.

Get some 2 conductor, shielded cable (for a total of 3 connections), and some balanced 1/4" and midi plugs off ebay, and go to town. The cable will work for audio and midi - not all the pins in midi cables are connected.

Sweetwater has a very handy “Cable Finder” and took me all of 10 seconds to find this as well as other 1’ midi cables: The same goes for any other type of cable you can think of and then it gives you all the options in stock and of not they can get it for you.

Buy some good quality conectors, cut your cables in half, solder on the new conectors, and now you have twice as many cables for the cost of some conectors !
Thats what I do.