Shaker anyone?

Hi. Do you have a good recipe on a shaker? Samples are no good since RYTM is not warping them to follow the bpm.

I have come up to on by using the open hihat a bit tuned up. It sounds ok but not brilliant, have you come up with someting else better, please share.

The most important here is of course the LFO section
Filter Freq: 123 res: 100 HP2 curve
AMP: Overdrive:24
LFO: speed +54 MUL:x32 FAD:+15 DST:Vol Wav:Sine SPH:0 MOD:TRG DEPTH:+125

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I’ve been searching for shaker and tambourine samples the last couple days not finding much I like that wasn’t for Kontakt, I never considered how the RYTM would deal with the loops at different BMPs… damn. here’s hoping someone has a good answer.

You can check out the Maraca sounds in the AR 808 kit I released. Should give you a good idea of how to make a shaker sounds on the AR using a noise source, filter, env and lfo settings.

I don’t understand why you would do this with a loop. Can you just make single “shake” sounds (or samples?) and then sequence it? Rytm is a drum machine, not a loop sampler…

The way a shaker is played usually means a loop is a better proposition if you want it to sound natural.

because shakers/tambourines and similar percussion instruments aren’t a simple one object hitting one surface. there are many parts interacting simultaneously, and while there’s the initial “hit”, there is a “rebound” that is different than the initial hit, and the tail needs to blend with the next hit, all from multiple sources, hence the loop of multiple hits.
its not just hitting an object and letting the ring fade.

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OK… fair enough - but how many “Drum machines” are capable of this? All the drum machine shaker sounds I’ve heard are single shot.

Typically I’ve always used 2 one shots. One with a bit of a percussive spike then a gentler/softer one on the up or return stroke. Alternatively you could use a single sample then play with start/decay/level to add variety, also the LFO.

yea imo, set pattern time mode to advanced, make the shaker track short, like 4 steps or whatever rhythm you want it to have, then it’s quite easy to tweak the trigs with p-locks to give it a nice feel… e.g. use different samples on the different trigs, experiment with volume, amp envelope, filter, also use swing, etc.

The Korg ESX-1 handles loops very nicely.

This may be of some help…

because shakers/tambourines and similar percussion instruments aren’t a simple one object hitting one surface. there are many parts interacting simultaneously, and while there’s the initial “hit”, there is a “rebound” that is different than the initial hit, and the tail needs to blend with the next hit, all from multiple sources, hence the loop of multiple hits.
its not just hitting an object and letting the ring fade.[/quote]
this is kinda like hand clap synthesis. dunno. that’s where i start a lot to make shakerish sounds at least. a good clap can sound like a lot of people clapping at once with jittery timing lol in a reverberant space.

also sometimes doing cymbal synthesis, but making it too high pitched and short and layering that.

i haven’t heard a lot of claps or cymbals out of the rytm tho (but would like to :slight_smile: ) ,so dunno how flexible it gets and if you can push them into that range. imo it can be easier with analog synths, especially if you want a semi-realistic sound, because noise.

By the way: Analog four is great in shakers and shisslings sounds. Maybe not the analog sounds you’re in, but for me delivers great percussion for the higher frequencies.