Setup Question // Mixer Recommendation

Hey, I am picking up an OT MKII from a friend to include it testwise into my setup.

I am questioning, what the best way would be to wire up my gear.

I am having a DT, ST, a Microcosm Hologram and Moog Studio 3.
The OT should be used to sample the Moogs, play samples from the flash card and act as performance mixer and FX machine.

The DFAM is not running into the moog mixer unit, because of treating it differently than the subharmonicon and the mother, when it comes to FX (i.e. no Microcosm, no delay). That means two OUTs for the Moog Studio.

I would like to use either the DT or the OT as main brain.

Also I would love to send everything through the FX Unit of the ST to heat up the sound a bit.

My idea would be DT and Moogs into the OT, OT into ST.

But that would mean, I am loosing the OT fx and features for the drum and synth sounds coming from the ST, right?

Also I have read something about abusing the OT Cue Out for FX send. Would be interesting to send into the Microcosm, but that would mean, I am sacrificing one or two INs on the OT, right?

How would a OT Pro wire all of this together? :sweat_smile:

I’m not an “OT pro”, but I do use it a lot.

I agree with what you mentioned about losing the ability to sample the Syntakt. If I had a Syntakt, I would definitely want to sample it on the OT.

Personally I like having the ability to sample all or any instrument on the OT. The way I do it is I have a mixer where a bunch of synths and drum machines have their own channels, and then I use an aux send on the mixer to selectively send any instrument to the OT.

On the Octatrack I use the cue outputs to send tracks to a hardware FX chain. This works for sending samples or any of the other instruments to the FX. I prefer using the cue as a send rather than the actual aux sends on my mixer, because the OT is the centerpiece of my setup – my hands are already there and it’s quicker to hit CUE+Track than to reach for the mixer.

So basically, regarding inputs of the OT, one pair is for whatever comes out the aux on the mixer, and the other pair is the FX chain return (from the cue as a send).

All of this is great for keeping things semi-permanently cabled, but to be honest I don’t like using all instruments at once. Lately I have much more rewarding sessions when I use the Octatrack alone or with one or two other instruments. If I had the list of instruments you mentioned and didn’t have a mixer, I wouldn’t worry too much about how it’s cabled, because I would probably only focus on a couple things at a time. Personally I would do the cue send trick to the microcosm and only hook up one or two synths/drum machines into the OT at a time. Otherwise, you might need to chain a bunch of things using the Elektron external inputs on ST+DT, which sounds like it could be kind of hard to manage.

If you really want it all cabled, the obvious solution is a mixer. A few years ago I picked up an old analog Mackie board with 16 channels and it was super cheap. It takes up space though.

I’m also not an “OT pro”, but I agree with @lowph - it sounds like you want a mixer in between your other items and the OT.

I personally use a patchbay so that I can connect anything I want to anything I want’s inputs, but at one or two items at a time. So either a patchbay or a mixer can do what you’re looking to do.

You mention running everything through the ST FX, but also wanting to sample the ST on the OT. I’d sample the ST into an OT recording buffer prior to your main performance on a track(s) and then mix those together for sending to the ST FX.

I also agree that having the ability to sample anything you have on the OT, then potentially re-sample the mix on the OT, is a VERY powerful capability on the OT, and something that sounds ideal for what you’re potentially looking to do. So removing something from that ability seems sad.

If I were you, I’d look to pick up a small, 4 or 8 channel mixer - depending on how many things run into the mixer and what else winds up plugged into the OT inputs. A patchbay would also work, but you’re then going to have to patch cables together on the fly as opposed to a mixer which can do things much easier on the fly.

You’ll also have to consider MIDI connections.

Also, look at some of the ezbot videos on youtube. He just did one on his MIDI setup, but has a number of videos on how to setup the OT as a performance mixer, on-the-fly sampler/re-sampler, etc.

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Yeah, MIDI is another thing that can get messy with a lot of gear. I currently have a MIDI thru box coming out of the OT and mostly use that for whichever instruments I’m using at the time – I have to make sure to set all the channels correctly, which sometimes can take up time. I wouldn’t call it an ideal setup.

I think that’s another reason I don’t try to use everything at the same time. I’m yet to find a MIDI layout that works for every type of session. Sometimes I want to use sequencers on different machines, or send transport/clock in different directions. A midi router would probably be great…

I’m personally trying to have a setup that has a subset of instruments that are permanently cabled, and then have a “rotating cast” of instruments that come and go, depending on what I’m trying to accomplish. I haven’t been doing it for a very long time, but so far I’m liking it.


This SM10 mixer doesn’t take room under 2 DIGIs. It has a MIX B switch, practical for recordings.
2 stereo fx sends. 18 inputs.


That’s smart! Good use of desk/table real estate

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I’d rather choose OT master clock if you want to record loops. (With internal OT clock le loop length matches perfectly original tempo)

Digis midi tracks have a more practical way to send Program Changes for synth patch changes. On OT you have to change parts to send Prog Changes.

The pattern sync works similarly on OT and Digis, but there is a cycle lag if Digis use scale per track. (Unless this problem have been resolved).

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Or valuable bed real estate in sezare’s case :laughing:


Haha yeah, I didn’t even notice it’s on a bed! Gives a whole new meaning to the term “bedroom producer”

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My bed : :expressionless:



Hahaha! Awesome.

Is that a black machinedrum?

Yep. I still have the black faceplate…

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Thanks for the advices, will take a look at EZBOTs Midi setup video.
Since the OT will also cost me a bit, if I decide to keep it in my studio, I think I go for the daisy chain as I am using it now (Moog Studio -> Microcosm -> DT, DT and ST into A/B & C/D IN on the OT) and will upgrade to a mixer a bit later.

Quick question:
With a mixer, I would send the desired channel to the OT for whatever I need, right?
Where would I put the Microcosm? Between Send and OT IN?

EDIT: sorry, my bad lowph answered that already

Mixer aux or sub group.

Okay, grabbing up this topic again, as I would like to go for a mixer to get all devices hooked and usable. Any recommendations for a good rack mixer with aux send? + if it would be usable as audio interface, too, that would add some bonus points…:sweat_smile: Was having a look into the SM 10 mentioned above, but obviously it is not produced anymore…

The Samson SM10 seems to be in stock mostly everywhere as far as I can tell?

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Seems in stock in France.
But it is analog, can’t be used as a proper audio interface but you can plug it into an Elektron having audio interface features.

not sure about that… it’s still featured on Samson’s website and available easily in the states via Sweetwater, B&H, Amazon, etc…

Guess, I was checking the exact obe shop, where it was not available :crazy_face:. Found it now, too, sorry for confusion.

Are there any alternatives, which also function as audio interface?
Find it kind of hard to get an overview of the market of rack mixers…

Maybe a MOTU interface? I’m planning to use my small half rack size MOTU Ultralite AVB in my live Elektron setup. One of their M-series might do the job too.