Setting snarelength from Cirklon in CK pattern

Yeah you might be right. I’m not exactly sure why the length wasn’t behaving the way I thought it would. That’s the problem. There are quite a few settings inside the Rytm II that might influence the way it responds to length settings inside the Cirklon.

I’ll have to try a few things out. Hopefully tonight.

About the CC event thing. I’ll try that too. Wouldn’t be too big of a deal to have all pads responds to the same length/decay setting. Not ideal. But could still give me some control over these things. Make it sound a bit more human.

I was about to suggest that. Curious about the timing though. I mean notes could need to be slightly delayed to have the new value to be effective when the note is triggered.

Or record automation pushed ahead of time.

This worked! Thanks :slight_smile:
Really cool. So if I get this right it’s pretty similar to automating a parameter in Ableton, right?

I usually have separate p3 patterns for all automations(unless its inter-track stuff.). That gives me more flexibility later when I’m trying to turn scenes into songs.

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Ah ok. Cheers. Fair enough. Doesn’t sound much more streamlined than my P3 per RYTM sound that I currently have going.
Colin sounds like he has the multi-channel CK patterns on the to-do list, so hopefully will become a reality in the not too distant future.

Glad it worked :blush:

You can seperate notes and automation into seperate patterns, which means you can have different length patterns for automation.

Which can create interesting shifting phase relationships between the automation pattern, and the pattern containing notes.

And with it being ck patterns it can be longer than 16 bars. Which is a an advantage against automation in p3 patterns.

You can also have p3 patterns targeting the same instrument, should you want to use auxes.

I tend to mix how I do it depending on whether I want long patterns of automation (snare rush at the end of 24 bars and also end of 64 bars for example).

Or if I want snare rushes generated by auxes/other aux trickery I’ll use p3.


bumping this thread !

Anyone know how to still take advantage of MUTE pads on RYTM while sequencing from cirklon via CK patterns? I have the CK patterns sequencing the RYTM but would still like to toggle the pads via MUTE, but since the pads are being sequenced via MIDI externally, toggling the green pads have no effect on the RYTM’s individual outputs. Is there a secret handshake to enable this?

It’s a bit hacky, but one workaround would be to use the scene page and assign each scene to lower the volume of the track associated with each pad.

It’s super tricky indeed. I managed to hack it in Ableton live (it was super difficult and involved coding a control surface), but for Cirklon, not sure it’s doable.