Set up advice - Looking to add drums to Digitone

I guess I could go with a Volca Sample and do this.

No direct sampling, same as Model:Samples, but it’s also worth considering for the sequencer.

So far I’m liking the idea of the volca drum and abandoning my original workflow idea (4 x drum sounds via MIDI) and going for the separate pattern performances.

In which case, ANY drum machine would be good. So that opens up the discussion, which are the good performance-based drum machines? Seen some good performances with the volca drum, and the sounds are great. I’d be interested in fills, randomness and general unpredictability.

The Models have Ctrl-All, probabilities, and fills, plus they’re very knobby for lots of live tweaking. They’re in budget too and sound great.

For $300USD I think the Model:Cycles is very tough to beat. Great sounds, great sequencer

…aaargh…all these roland and volca recommendations again…

nord drum1 AND a korg microtribe…THAT’s truu advice…hey…

no need for cycles if u got a tone already…enough knobs to twiddle anyways…
and with microtribe and nord drum ur tone will shine forever and like no other…promise…

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If you are going to go the route of using the DT as sequencer the Nord Drum (whatever version it is on) is an excellent drum synth.