Serial numbers of Analog Fours that have the new paint job


I’ve owned every Elektron machine before going all software; I’ve recently started purchasing analog synths again, and just ordered an Analog Four.

The place I ordered it from told me the stock is four months old. I’m quite worried about getting a unit with the flaky paint. Does anyone know from what serial number they began improving the paint? I guess I should’ve asked this before I ordered.

Excited to step back into the Elektron environment!

Since it looks like nobody has any info regarding production runs (I’m assuming Elektron hasn’t been upfront about when the issue was resolved), could anyone tell me what to look out for?

My unit arrives tomorrow; ideally, I’d like to be able not to open it and return it brand new if it has paint issues. But if I were to look at the finish; besides obvious paint chips, are there any distinguishing qualities of the cheap paint job I would notice?

It would have been really cool of Elektron to be like, “Serial numbers xxxxx and prior have paint issues and are being recalled. Please return them to be fixed free of charge, apologies for the inconvenience” to all owners and distributers.

Keep cool ans if you have a problem with the paint,Elektron change your A4 ;
For exemple, if in 6 month you have a paint problem ,Elektron will send a new A4.
Don’t stress and play music only.

cool. As long as they cover all shipping costs, I guess I’d be fine with that.

I don’t think they’d cover the cost of you shipping the unit back to them, but they’d pay for shipping a new unit back to you.

I had to send them my Octatrack because of the infamous headphone problem & they said i would have to cover outgoing shipping. But as my unit was still under warranty the company i bought it from ( sent it back free of charge under those warranty conditions.