Sequencing a4 notes externally (but plocks internally)

i would like to trigger sequences of midi notes on ableton and have the a4 play them, but still be able to sequence & p-lock parameters on the a4. is it possible to work this way? to split the sequencing (of notes and parameter changes)

the file structure and building/organizing of scenes/structures still alludes me on elektron. and doing this would allow me to transition and own sets better.

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i can’t imagine that some of the headaches would outweigh the perceived benefits, but at least you can try, use trigless locks to plock the A4 without setting note playback internally !

I’m not in front of my A4 right now, but I don’t think this works.
Any incoming midi notes on a channel completely overrides the internal sequencer, including P-locks on trigless trigs.
Very happy to be proved wrong though.

last time I checked, external notes override any sequencer trigs, including trigless locks.

edit lol

Indeed this will not work. Such a shame. I would love to sequence the a4 from the OT and still have triggless trigs on the A4.


i would love to have multiple scale lengths on the a4 so i dont have to use the OT to do it.

either or

Shame, doesn’t hit my workflow, but good to know when driving with an external kbd