Sequencing a4 from ext midi keyboard?


i`m looking into buying a a4 and have a question which i did not find any reliable answer yet:

is it possible to step input notes and chords from a external midi keyboard ?
i mean in grid mode, not realtime rec.

like on my mnm: i hold a step and play a note or chord on the midi keyboard. for me this is one of the best features of the mnm.

i see myself getting frustrated only being able to use the mini keys.

can anybody please confirm this is possible an the a4 ?

yeah, no bother, but only when the external device is set to the auto channel ! would be better if it worked on the track channel too …

thanks! that is great news.
i don`t mind the auto channel, its how i use the mnm anyway.

so this works with inputting chords as well ?

absolutely :slight_smile:

amazing! that was the answer i was hoping for :slight_smile: