I think it means that the device can be controlled by MIDI. The Analog Four does can not sequence external devices over MIDI. However it can sequence devices over CV/Gate.
Imho “Full MIDI support” includes MIDI out, but apparently it doesn’t… Tried to search the webs for a general definition of “Full MIDI support” but didn’t find anything.
Along with 5 of my mates across the globe in which we have collaborated; each of us bought the A4 not out of stupidity or really ignorance based upon the very spec: “FULL MIDI SUPPORT”, which indeed everywhere else in synth world means midi out.
Am avidly interested in the AK and want to keep my A4 because the User Manual and full “devil in details” have yet to be released and am hoping on top of the mixed functionality of AK’s external midi controller, that an A4 could possibly be configured in a ‘chain of sorts’ as it would just make good marketing and business sense.
However, the AK product page specifics have the exact same statement of “FULL MIDI SUPPORT” as well so anxiously awaiting full read of posted user manual and will be asking Support HQ a lot of questions rather than deal with the attitude at times here…and was nicely prompted by support HQ to ask any questions without hesitation nor any flak.
Just have to wait for the A4’s new O.S. to land as well as official release of AK to ask such questions.
Full midi support for especially keyboard players is quite important when not interested in buying an OT when a lot of keyboard players already have sampling covered but again, a lot of recording musicians rather than typical DJ Performers, do not all use Ableton Live or M4L–more along lines of DAW’s that have extensive midi and sysex communication.
Erm…no it does indeed not means midi out for the sequencer.
It means full midi support to control any parameter via midi in. And it means midi clock master/slave operations via midi out/in, and USB.
To control external gear, the A4 offers a CV track and CV outs.
If you want the sequencer to play notes via midi out, dont buy an A4.
Erm…no it does indeed not means midi out for the sequencer.
It means full midi support to control any parameter via midi in. And it means midi clock master/slave operations via midi out/in, and USB.
To control external gear, the A4 offers a CV track and CV outs.
If you want the sequencer to play notes via midi out, dont buy an A4.
The point is, what does it really mean? I know what the A4 is capable of, having owned one for a year now, but stating “Full MIDI support” but no further details leaves it quite open to speculation.
I hope that Elektron will tell what they mean, and if necessary change the wording in the manual to avoid misunderstandings.
What does anything really mean. There’s no need to be so pedantic here. The manual states that it has four voices but no one is complaining that it doesn’t do choir sounds or vocal synthesis.
Elektron couldn’t be any clearer imo. I don’t see any ambiguity, just people hoping for something that isn’t there.
I think “Sequencer with full MIDI support” and “Synthesizer with full MIDI support” mean two different things. In the case of the A4, there is both a sequencer and a synth inside it, ie plenty of room for ambiguity.
When I bought the A4 I knew it could only externally sequence via cv, this point was made very clear in the Sonic State walkthrough (and I’m sure elsewhere also)
The guys from Elektron hinted that poly mode would be implemented at some point, and now we have it(nearly)
Considering we have been given a +Drive for free as well, seems a bit unfair to complain
I would love them to sort out the MIDI side of things as well, but it was never promised, so we’ll see.
I would love foe some sequencer midi out control from the a4… Using cv it is awesome to be able to globally transpose 2 synths with the one move using the a4 keyboard buttons…and doing this to midi synths as well would be the business.
I’m struggling with understanding why it doesn’t do it… ‘Digital mind’ to me means it should be easily enough to add midi out Capability…
Is it that elektron want us to have to buy a different product to fill this function… maybe the glass box.
Of course, it’s been known for ages, it’s called the Octatrack
A4+OT combo is a killer ![/quote]
I want one so bad… Can’t afford it and have to really talk myself out of an impulse purchase on a daily basis. Hence why some midi out on a4 would be nice… But it’s not the end of the world as the a4 is amazing as it is.
But on that note… I’m sad the sale everyone keeps talking about hasn’t seemed to make a dent to elektron prices in australia? Drop a couple hundred of the OT and I think my arm would be officially twisted.
Of course, it’s been known for ages, it’s called the Octatrack
A4+OT combo is a killer !
I’m still waiting for an elektron sequencer that can p-lock MIDI CC’s on specific steps and send those locked cc’s BEFORE the respective note on event (and not after, which produces ugly artifacts)
I’d pay another 1k, but it seems that elektron is not interested
I think it is fair to say that many people expected the A4 to be a capable of sequencing external MIDI capable devices, and that the expectation of it sequencing MIDI can arguably be expected to be higher than the Tetra and Mopho. Why? Does the Machinedrum do this? Yes. Does the Monomachine do this? Yes. The Octa. Most def. So why not the A4? Well I think because for lots of other people, that would have made their other products less desired. Many people, like me would be just fine with the A4 if it sequence external gear. It was an economic decision and for Elektron, probably a good one. Did I know, before I bought it that it would not sequence external gear via MIDI? Yes. This information was provided and with no reason to expect it to ever be provided. Did I buy an A4 anyway? Yes.
MIDI sequencing would be damn good… but I dunno, the argument that it doesn’t do it just so you will more likely buy another box is kinda questionable, imo… wouldn’t it make more sense, from a business perspective, to make all products as attractive as possible, rather than willingly “cripple” your products (as if the AF were crippled! haha) and hope that customers would buy another from you instead of looking elsewhere?
likely it’s more a matter of focus & priorities.
shure, mirroring the sequencer tracks and sending notes might not be that hard to implement, but all other Elektron boxes go far beyond this in their MIDI capabilities… so if the AF/AK were to sequence MIDI, would there be MIDI LFOs? envelopes? programmable controller output? program changes? note slides? how? coupled to the main pattern tracks, or independent, or both? what’s the UI for that?
just saying that it’s probably not as simple to do as clapping your hands…
but, I agree that this would make the machine complete! together with the upcoming OS features there would really be nothing left to wish for! who knows, maybe we’ll see it at some point.