Hello everyone!
A simple question to existing users of Analog Keys - i own the Analog 4 and i know that what i’m trying to achieve is impossible on it
So - i’m thinking of using Analog Keys on stage - and want to process vocals through its FX section and wondering - is it possible to get WET processed signal from, lets say MAIN outs and synth sounds from separate outputs at the same time?
Yes I think what you are asking is possible. You simply want to have the synth sounds clean and have the FX be seperate outs to the mixer? If so then yes that is possible
Hey guys. It’s been a long while since I came here
Banderstrong, are you sure? I don’t have the AK but I’m drooling enough to have read the manual and as I understand things, FX are sent only to main outputs, plus you can’t have 100% wet sounds, only dry + FX.
Or maybe I don’t get what AlienDeon is asking for…? (excellent pseudonyme, Monsieur Delon )
I also don’t have a AK but I would assume if you want FX applied to an external source you can route one track through the mains with FX. My understanding was if you route the remaining tracks out the additional outs they will be dry with no FX.
Not sure if this is what was trying to be accomplished. Also Overbridge should provide much more flexibility with this since over USB you will have all four dry tracks plus a fifth FX only track.
If what he wants is simply to not have the synths come out of main and only through their individual outputs that is 100% possible. It’s also possible to use the FX on an external source by simply mixing it in the FX section. Seems easy and I have done something like that before