first HELLO and HI, I am new here and I am very sorry if this has been asked yet:
I know so far it is not possible to send MIDI data from the sequencer of the AR…
But actually this should be a software issue, I guess.
Any chance on further os updates, that it will be implemented to send MIDI date to sequence other synths?
I asked elektron support if they think to add midi seq to the analog rytm and here is there answer:
The Analog series was not designed for MIDI sequencing and it’s a lot harder to implement on the machines than many people realises. I do not say Yes or No since we ourselves simply does not know yet.
i m like i think the Ar would be the best machine ever build if it could sequence external midi gear but we can t say that elektron promised it in the past!! so we all bought this powerfull drum synth and sequencer with this full knowledge!
so i decided to build a midibox sequencer v4 ( not me personnaly but i know someone able to do it) maybe its a solution for you too?
Hi Benwadub
As stated in another thread I actually thought that the “Worldclass Elektron Sequencer” (as I think its advertised as for the devices) was the same across the devices. But it is not.
Yes the AR was never advertised as “has MIDI-sequencing”, but I bought it thinking it had, because some of the other machines sequencer does. (And I wrongfully thought that the sequencer part of the Elektron lineup was the same across all their devices).
Btw. if the sequencer you know where to get built has polyrhythms and ccs (+nrpns?) and is affordable, I’m in
If you own an iPad then the app: midiSequencer, is (it’s next next major update) about to turn into the most fully functional midi sequencer ever. So that’s cheap if you already own an iPad and some way of getting midi out of it and into the Rytm.
I realise that I am a bit OT here, but any iPad owner interested in polyrhythms ought to check out Poly. It does include some midi out fuctionality, so I’m not completely OT really.
It’s not OT at all, as it offers a viable, useable and very good alternative for MIDI sequencing.
I love the IPad for sequencing, I recently got Arp Pro and it’s been incredible to sequence the A4 with it.
Checked out (and bought) MIDISequencer yesterday, however it was (again! I simply cannot read and understand feature descriptions anymore:confused: ) not what I wanted - it has only one track (a very feature rich track but still just one). So the search is still on