Send Clock over MIDI out and MIDI thru

Hey fellow digitone users,
the title pretty much sums up my question. My setup looks like this. I have a BS2 which I want to control via my digitone and a volca sample which only needs the clock signal of my DT. But unitl now, I couldn’t find out how or if it is possible at all

best regards

BS2 Midi Out → Digitone Midi In

Digitone Midi Out → Volca Sample Midi In

To sync everything you have to active “receive/send” clock on your devices.

If you also want to send Midi activate “receive/send” midi.

Let us know if it works :slight_smile:

This was my workaround, sadly the BS2 clock is no very stable. But if I use e.g. ableton for giving clock it should be allright.
I was just confused because the MIDI ports are also called Sync A and Sync B.
Thank you for the quick reply.

This refers to DIN-Sync only (not MIDI)

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Hm after checking the manual (page 60) things getting clearer and confusing :sweat_smile:


So if i understand correctly the THRU Port is able to send DIN (24 or 248) sync or MIDI notes.

So if you set Midi OUT PORT FUNCTIONALITY to DIN 24/48 there will be no Midi Data transferred, but the a DIN SYNC.

I guess you can use Digitone as a MASTER,

  • set OUT PORT FUNC to DIN 48
  • DIGI OUT to BS2 IN
  • DIGI THRU to Volca
  • BS2 OUT to Digi IN

This could work or iam totally wrong :smiley:

Edit: receive clock on Digitone must be deactivated

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MIDI thru just echos what is received on MIDI in, which can be the DIN in or the USB in or both… It’s not the same as a MIDI out. Digitone has one MIDI output.

You may just want to get a MIDI thru box

Digitone ----MIDI OUT---->MIDI THRU BOX---->all your other devices, set to diff channels

Din MIDI Thru doesn’t echo anything from USB (only DIN in) on the other devices, it’d be a surprise if this was different on DN (which I don’t have so who knows)

what he said, read the manual wrong

“THRU PORT FUNCTIONALITY selects what type of signal the MIDI THRU port sends.”

(Not what it echos)

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