Selling MnM buy an A4?

Do you think is a good idea?

the rest of the setup will be mopho + 303 + 2 OT

TO BE HONEST when i PLAY the monomachine along analog gear there is to much difference of sound…

So I am thinking to buy an A4 and sell the MnM

I will buy your MnM if you decide to sell.

Have you seen this… not sure if this vapour ware as there are no audio samples and the price is not listed…


  • 3 Oscillators with 6 Waveforms: Saw, Square, Triangle, Variable Shape Saw-Sqr and Tri-Sqr
  • 2 Subs + 2 XOR rings
  • Oscillator special features: Hard sync, Phase sync, Phase adjustment, Square PW, Shape Modulation, Detune, FM, Analog Drift
  • 4 types of noise: White, Pink, Red, C64 (pitched)
  • 1 Analog Ring modulator
  • 1 Multimode VCF with 6 filter types and 3 selectable slopes: 12,18, 24dB (Lowpass , Highpass, Bandpass, Notch, 18LP>6HP, 12LP>6HP)
  • VCF self-oscillation with Sinus, Triangle and Clipped Triangle wave in different modes
  • Filter FM via Oscillator1 (audio rate modulation of filter freq)
  • Precise filter keytracking including: note pitch, portamento and pitchbend signal
  • 3 LFOs with 6 Waveforms (Sin, Tri, Saw, Sqr, S&H, S&Glide)
  • LFO Features: Sync, Reset, Freq Range= 0 - 100Hz
  • LFO1 and 3 have 6 easy access mod targets independent from mod matrix
  • 3 Envelope Generators: Amp, Filter, Mod (6-stage DAHDSR from 1mS to 30S)
  • 4 Envelope Styles (Analog RC1, RC2, Exponential, Digital Linear)
  • 3 Envelope Trigger modes (Always, Legato, LFO2 S&H)
  • Loop option for all envelopes
  • 8-Slot Modulation Matrix (up to 33 mod sources and 50 mod targets)
  • CV Input as mod source
    Effects and Main bus
  • 3 Types Analog Distortion (light, harsh, massive)
  • 24-bit Stereo Digital FX (Room, Hall, Cathedral, Gated, Plate, Delay, Delay+Reverb, Ping Pong Delay)
  • Feedback loop via external audio input
  • Stereo output with balance control
  • Low noise and high quality VCAs for amplitude and balance
    Arpeggiator and Sequencer
  • Arpeggiator with gate adjustment, various spans and 15 clock divisions (syncable to MIDI clock)
  • 16x4 step sequencer per program
  • Sequencer features: Note Slide, (Note, Velocity, AUX Track1, AUX Track2)
    Hardware and Controls
  • 26 Soft touch knobs + 27 Buttons
  • 88 LED indicators
  • 2x20 Character OLED display
  • 3 buttons for previewing presets
  • 2 knobs acting as Mod-wheel and After-touch
  • 512 Sound Programs
    Ins and Outs
  • Stereo audio output: 2x 1/4" TRS jacks (Balanced)
  • External audio input: 1x 1/4" TRS jack (Unbalanced)
  • Headphone Out: 1x 1/4" TRS stereo jack
  • CV input: 1x 1/4" TRS jack
  • MIDI In, MIDI Out
  • USB port
  • DC Power input
    Physical Specs
  • Rigid aluminum enclosure + wooden side panels
  • Dimensions: 12.9" L x 6.5" W x 1.9" H (32.8 cm x 16.7 cm x 5 cm)
  • Weight: ~2.2 lb (1 kg)
  • Includes universal power supply for 110V – 240V AC operation (12 VDC, 1A)
    All specifications subject to change without notice

That’s really cool !
But I started working with Elektron gear and I will stick on it…
I do not have time to learn new stuff, Elektron is already complicated :slight_smile:

Hm, sounds like a good reason to keep it to me - complementing the analogs, providing some variety and rounding out the big picture. Different strokes, though, and if it just sticks out like a sore thumb and sounds wrong, that’s a different story.
I haven’t owned either but FWIW I think the MnM and A4 actually sound pretty similar, at least in the demos I’ve heard.

Hm, sounds like a good reason to keep it to me - complementing the analogs, providing some variety and rounding out the big picture. Different strokes, though, and if it just sticks out like a sore thumb and sounds wrong, that’s a different story.
I haven’t owned either but FWIW I think the MnM and A4 actually sound pretty similar, at least in the demos I’ve heard.[/quote]
I know some people which own both of them and the A4 sounds more phat & warm ! when I compare the sound with my analog gear there is no story…

Just because of the sequencer and the midi control, i wouldn’t sell it. For external gear its powerfull

A good reason for sell it at a good price a haha ! sorry but I do not have a lot of external gear… I use it already in this way with my mopho… But the process is very nasty… the 303 I could not control… and the 606 is a drum … so as I have 2 OT for sequencing they are more powerful :slight_smile:

It almost sounds like you’ve already made up your mind. Go for it. You know you won’t be disappointed with the A4!

However, the Monomachine is a very very unique piece of gear. For some it represents endless possibilities, and for others it is too tedious to take the time to get the depth and “warmth” to come out. Different strokes for different folks.

I agree with the post that said the Monomachine is a good contrast in sound amidst an all analog set up. But if you don’t like or never use those types of sounds, then get rid of it. It’s that simple.

I really started to get into my MNM once I had my A4, they compliment each other beautifully.

If there’s any way you can get an A4 without selling your MNM first I’d strongly suggest trying them together.

I really started to get into my MNM once I had my A4, they compliment each other beautifully.

If there’s any way you can get an A4 without selling your MNM first I’d strongly suggest trying them together.

Do you Mind to make me few examples of how they complement each other?

I can also keep it… Is not a problem of cash but of space…

Thank you :slight_smile:

I’ve got nothing worth showing yet man, I could try and record it next time I have a jam with them, but it’d be just that, a direction-less jam. I’m not at the stage yet where I can perform with them.

I struggled to get anything I loved out of the MNM but now I have the A4 next to it, I’m finding some great stuff happening.
I’ve got some really nice percussion and drum sounds of it, some nice atmosphere/pad sounds, just be messing around really. I think it’s because I’m letting it do what it’s good at, rather than trying to make it do what the A4’s good at.

If space is the issue, buy, make or have made one of the pro-modular style dual stands, then the two units fit one above the other in a little over one units footprint.