Selecting midi in channels

So i’m using the OT as my master. Running a midi cable into a Kenton 1 thru 5 and midi chaining the Elektrons with two seperate cables to Minitaur and Mb33. The Elektron boxes are simply connected for transport and clock.
I’m sequencing the Minitaur and Mb33 with the OT on Ch1 &.2. I’ve set the MD base channel to __, unchecked the A4 Receive Notes box, but the only way I can avoid the OT’s midi notes playing the MnM is by altering the base channel to an unused midi channel as I can’t turn it off.
Is this correct or am I being very dense?

If you want to ensure that the OT is not inadvertently sequencing the MM, then there are a few things that you can check:

On the OT, check which MIDI channel numbers your MIDI sequencer tracks are sending on. The manual advises us to preferably not use the same MIDI channels for MIDI sequencer tracks as for audio tracks.

On the MM, if you do not want it to receive MIDI note messages, set the CHANNEL SPAN in the GLOBAL > CONTROL > MIDI CHANNELS menu to 0.

Thanks my man.

I’ve tried that. Still get notes in on Ch.1 and then I can’t alter my Multi trig etc etc tracks.

While your there, you wouldn’t happen to know off the top of your head why my Midi LFOs don’t seem to be working? I know they’re linked to the internal track’s LFOs (which are working fine) but the midi LFOs make bugger all difference to the Blofeld it’s sequencing?

I’m totally flumuscked?


Sorry to hear about the two problems.

It would be helpful to describe exactly what’s connected to what. If the connections are complicated, it might be worth directly connecting the two units as a first step to help diagnose the problems.

Yep, done that also.

So, the diagnostics sakes, i’ve got MnM midi track 1 on Ch10 coming out of midi out, going into Waldorf Pulse midi in on Omni (Have tried just Ch10 as well.) I lay some trigs, that’s all good. Go to Midi LFO 1. Select the destination as Pitch for example, add some depth… nothing. The LFO is affecting the internal track 1 as it should but nothing on Waldorf. The notes remain constant and unaltered.

No other midi going in or out.


Are you setting the destination of the LFO to be a MIDI CC?

Arh… right… silly me.

So, just to get things straight in my head…

In the MidI LFO I set Page to Midi Dest to whichever CC I want and then select the CC in Global/ Midi Sequence (referring to the Manual Midi Implementation list)


Thank you very much by the way.

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Sounds like you got it. Just to confirm:

Find the CC number for the target parameter on your other instrument (Pulse).

Set this CC number for one of the CC controllers (CL1 to CL4) for the MM track in the MM’s GLOBAL > MIDI SEQ > MIDI SEQ SETTINGS menu.

In the MM’s MIDI sequencer, set the default value for the appropriate CC controller CC1 to CC4.

Set the LFO to target the MIDI page and its Destination to be one of the four CC controllers.

You are too kind Sir.
Really appreciate it.
Top man Peter!

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