Screen dimming on older Elektron Boxes

Hello all! Ive had an Analog Heat Mk1 for a little more than a year now. Bought it like brand new, in the box, no marks of any usage before. A few days ago, I noticed, that its orange screen is uneavenly lit. It has these areas, where the pixels are somewhat dimmer. Now it eaven feels like, the whole screen is not as bright, as it used to be. Yes, ive had the heat on for most of the days within this year, and usually the whole day. For the nigtht I ofcourse turn everithing off. But come on! It should not be burnt out yet. Has anyone had an issue, like that with older (or newer) Elektron Gear. Any solutions?

You should contact support! :slight_smile:

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Thank you! Yes, I will. I´ve already sent the heat for them once, due to the dancing volume pot, that ate my soul. Its nice and tight now.

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There are many threads on the issue on the forum. Here’s one that might help Screen replacement RYTM MKI - #12 by darenager

Seems an issue you could get a local tech to sort for you without involving Elektron, and the replacement white on black screens look amazing


Wow! Thank you! Strange, that the search with related keywords here did not give me any results. Thanks a lot! The light begins to shine from the distance!