this is the first time it happens when searching the forum:
i’ve tried to repeat the search and the result was the same (hopefully this is not a double)
EDIT: Firefox 22.0 - OSX 10.7.5
this is the first time it happens when searching the forum:
i’ve tried to repeat the search and the result was the same (hopefully this is not a double)
EDIT: Firefox 22.0 - OSX 10.7.5
its the same in Chrome
And Opera, and Safari. Every major OS X browser.
Same results with Firefox 26.0 on Windows 7
This is happening to me too, Safari, Chrome, Firefox.
@Elektron - I’m pretty sure you just need to add width: 100% to the .endless-scroll-area CSS, because that does the trick for me when using the web inspector.
same here
me too
win7 64bit using chrome
drives me nuts!
how to I remove all p locks for MD ?
Yeah, it’s a bug for sure. We’ll take care of it!