Scoring to picture

Yea I know what you mean, I think it’s maybe a bit busy in places.

Thank you!

I agree with @aloud that it’s a nice change from the staccato strings and horns. And that the music is too loud in the mix now.

Beyond the volume thing the only thing I’d do differently personally is to have the music intensify a wee bit later after the transition to the second part. The transition is nice but once you bring in the kick and hihats/percussion, it gets a bit too busy too fast.

Then again, I’ve watched the scene with and without music about 15 times now and I still fail to see a clear structure in the scene, more specifically what the climax in that bit is supposed to be. I don’t have Netflix so I can’t watch the episode for context but the whole ”scene” feels awkward to me.

Like I said, I’ve watched a fair few of the early entries but there hasn’t yet been one that really stood out stylistically and/or by how unbelievably good it was. But it’s still early days, and there’ll probably be thousands of submissions once again.

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Thanks that’s useful! I’ve already made a few improvements that I think address this feedback so hopefully the next version is an improvement.

But yea it’s a challenging piece of video to work with - the first half has a consistency and flow that makes sense to me but the second half feels all over the place - I suspect that’s not unintentional as it makes it much harder.

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Having spent more time with it I’m realising that I’m treating it like a trailer but it’s not a trailer at all it’s more like the opening scenes to an episode - so I think a lot more subtlety is required.

I’ve got a version 2 that I’m quite happy with that I’m going to sit on for a while but I don’t plan on nursing this for long so probably have something finished tonight.

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It’s got a very trailer-like feel to it, in my opinion as well. At least to someone like myself who’s not familiar with the show at all. Anyway, looking forward to your second version! I also started a little something for the scene on the piano. If it seems come out fairly easily, I might finish something sometime next week.

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I like your music better than I like the scenes. :laughing: There is a certain “high energy” to this type of tv show that just puts me off. Setting all that aside, I do see why people gravitate towards a staccato kind of sound as the editing and pacing has that feel. Hopefully when you dial it in you can find a way to support that without losing your more original take. Good work regardless!


Here’s the final cut! I resisted the urge to spend any more time on it, I think I’m happy with this! Bit more nuance in the tonal shifts and the score is brought back in the mix and simplified in most places. Some of it is probably still a bit too complex but I’m a complex guy.


When’s the deadline?

Well done! Really hope the judges will give a chance to scores like this one that doesn’t scream ”19th century”.

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Thanks mate :slight_smile:

17:00 BST on the 24th August 2022


Are you using a special Software to sync the Audio with the Video?

Many DAWs allow you to import video which makes it easy to get all the timing right - assuming that’s what you mean! I use Ableton. I then export the score only and combine everything in video editing software.


Thank you.

This video (from 5:05) runs you through the full process, using Logic.

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Thank you. I guess it’s similar in Ableton?

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Sorry, I don’t know Ableton at all. But I would guess it’s pretty similar.

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Reaper is actually pretty nice for film scoring. You can export video from within Reaper as well.

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Has anyone been following the Bridgerton entries on Youtube? Come across any interesting ones?

I’ve listened to a handful, probably around 30 and not one has really stood out for me stylistically (with the exception of natehorn’s). Of course there are hundreds more I haven’t listened to. Not an easy scene to score (I’ll probably skip the whole thing) AND bring something different to the table.

Also, Spitfire Audio posted this walkthrough of the original score/cue.

Missed the deadline (a Wednesday, really?!) but here’s my shadow entry to the competition anyway. Almost 4,000(!) videos have been tagged with #mybridgertonscore so it’ll be interesting to see how the winner will manage to stand out from the crowd.


You make me BLUSH sir

Beautiful work (I’m not just saying that because you flattered me) - I want them to shut up so I can listen to the lovely music.

Edit: The alt is private btw!

Interesting! I prefer the tone I imparted, I enjoyed giving it a sense of eerie sadness :laughing: