Science of Sound and Auditory Perception

Music is Math


I’m sure actual scientists have looked into this stuff but I’ve long felt that people have their own rhythms and melodies sort of locked inside of them - and making music is a way to explore and express those movements - perhaps the specifics of individual strobing could impact what sounds ‘gel’ with us.



Fractal set sound wave generator

This is fun, if somewhat synthetic.

Here’s someone who took the repeating sections of fractal sets ( the dark areas in the representations ) and uses the x and y values in those repeating “orbits” to generate sound waves.

I’ve queued the video to a place where he starts to create more interesting sounds. You can watch earlier in the video where he explains the mathematics of his construction, and what he is actually doing.

There is a page that gives a basic description of this and provides a reference to the source code in Windows for this sound generator.

Fun to consider this next to a wavetable synthesis model, in fact motion over these surfaces would have similarity, if you also changed the rate you run the repeats to give them fundamental pitch.