Scene Help

I’m fairly competent with the OT in that I only really use it as a basic sequencer., triggering samples that I have previously made in my DAW. I have begun using scenes and starting fairly basic; filter sweeps, drum delays etc although I am struggling to step up my game and produce more interesting scenes.

I was wondering if there was some sort of resource online that took you through scenes and how to implement them properly. I have read the manual and I fully understand how to manage scenes, I just don’t seem to have the creative element at the moment!

I’m not looking to be spoon fed or whatever but any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance


P.S - Sorry if this topic has already been covered previously, I did perform a search and didn’t find anything


Check out merlin’s OT document. It was originally on elektron-users, but people have posted the link a few times on this forum as well.

If you haven’t already, try Locking LFO’s to scenes.

I like to create several scenes with different divisions of LFO Speeds.

Cheers, grabbed it. I’ll have a look at it after work.

I have dabbled in locking LFO rates but i’ll try and incorporate properly this time. I think i’m just wanting to know everything without starting from the bottom.


One idea I’ve been working on for some new tunes: using scenes almost like chord shapes on guitar. This works well if you have monophonic samples loaded to multiple tracks. For each scene you lock the pitch parameters on each different track to make different chords. Then you can sweep between them with the crossfader. Lots of cool places you can go with this.

I like to do alot of random scene buidling…as in hold down a scene button and just start tweaking all kinds of random plocks on many tracks until it becomes complete unpredicatable chaos

That sounds like a cool idea! Might have to try that tonight.

:+1: That’s the best! I usually come up with a few chord progressions on a guitar, load each chord into a scene by way of a variety of single cycle waves, and “play” the scenes over looped beats/bass. By resampling and radically reshaping these jams, I end up with entirely new songs on the fly.
I remember reading the Elektron talk with Alessandro Cortini last summer wherein he described using the crossfader in a similar way; that was actually what inspired me to purchase the OT in the first place!

I tend to use scenes as breaks,
often altering the parameters of every track
pitch shifts, samples backwards, filters, long reverbs, freeze delay
depending on what effects your using on each track, and the parameters you lock to the scenes, the results can completely radicalise your groove…

Cheers for the help! I have a gig tomorrow for my Witchouse project, all on MD, OT, A4 and Kaoss pad so i’ll try get some scenes together quickly for some drone shaping madness!
