Saving samples

Is it possible to save samples anywhere other than the AUDIO folder? Perhaps even a subfolder wihin AUDIO? This is rapidly becoming a massive pain in the ass as it’s not as if you can tidy up the store later without breaking all of your projects that depend on that sample.

You can chose to have your samples saved in to the project folder.

It is. You can put them anywhere you’d like; a sub folder in the Audio folder, a whole other folder, sub-folders in that other folder. Just bear in mind that if you move anything you’re already using, then you’ll need to specify the new location next time you open any tracks using the moved sample.

Also, don’t ever delete the Audio folder! Without the Audio folder, the set won’t be recognised as a set - it just disappears. It’s fine if the Audio folder has nothing in it, just as long as it’s there. (If you do delete the Audio folder, putting it back again will restore the set.)

^^but what about samples you take live and wish to keep organised ? there is no option to specify where they should be saved other than in the audio pool or project. or have i missed something ?

that means each time you take a sample live and assign it to a slot for playback, if you want to stay organized and be able to find it logically in the future, you have to find the sample, move it to a new folder then reassign it.

Indeed so the problem that I’m having is that if I am doing a load of sampling I want to save and organise the samples as I go. Rather than saving the sample, opening the CF card manager, moving the sample to where I want it. etc… there must be a better way.

Isn’t the Collect Samples command (project Menu) what you need then ? It may result in duplication but you can work around that more easily