my apologies for a repeated topic…
Just still trying to get the +Drive work flow down.
I’ve lost some nice patterns recently, because of not saving my Snapshot before I switch to a new one. My fault - totally.
Just to be safe - can you guys tell me if these rules are correct?
1 - Make a change to a kit… Save the kit, if you want to keep them, before going to a different pattern/kit.
2 - Edit a pattern in Snapshot A. No need to “save” snapshot before turning MD off - as long as you remain in Snapshot A.
3 - Edit a pattern in Snapshot A. Save Snapshot A before switching to Snapshot B. (Via Global +Drive menu area)
4 - Quick Mode. It’s best to keep it as “CHANGE” because when switching Snapshots, it will save everything to Snapshot A before switching to Snapshot B.
I think that’s it…
I’m now just worried to freely change my snapshots - in fear of losing my work again. So, if you have a moment… Are these assumptions correct?