Saving issues with A4

Hey guys, anyone finding it a bit weird working with the latest os update?

Say I want to load a sound I have been working on, change it and save it as something else (something I do a lot)… I only see the option to rename sound, not “save as”… am I doing something stoopid?

Is the easiest way to just copy to sound pool multiple times? Seems like a pretty clunky way of working as I have to remember to save a copy and then load the right copy.

I seem to spend a lot of time with the a4 saving, loading, copying… until I forget to do it and then save over sound and loose kits and patterns… disaster!

tips, advice much appreciated!!

doesn’t save + sound do it for you !?

that’s my point, it over-writes the sound I am working on.

I liked how saving a sound gave you the option to either save over the same name or save a variation instead.

now, I have to remember to make a copy of the sound first and then save + sound


yes, copying the starting sound in the browser is the way for me dont know, if any, other methods)
(FUNCT+REC while sound enlightned - then - FUNCT+STOP while on blank slot)

Otherwise, if you have a spare track in the Kit, you can copy the track sound
then paste it on the blank Track (TRACK+STOP)

I’ve no idea what i’m doing different to you guys but it works fine for me, in fact it’s more likely i’d eventually end up searching for a way to save the sound directly in the slot i got it from, but as i tend to work in the way described it works fine for me …

load, mod, save (always defaults to a new save slot !)

alternatively, if neither mine nor void’s solution works try


hi void, thanks for telling me the short cut to save a sound!

Man, I knew it was something stupid.

I just assumed that would overwrite the sound and I was looking for a save as option in the sound context menu.

sicijk, thanks for that tip too!

you’ve all been very helpful, just using the old machinedrum and the old a4 OS, the changes confused the shit out of me initially… got it now tho!

Eh ??
the first reply I posted 2 weeks ago is the same short cut!!
what’s the point in remembering it with ‘Yes’ when it’s directly labelled as “SAVE”

the button is actually labelled [Yes/Save]

I suppose some people could get confused but seems either/or should make sense. :slight_smile: