Save to new = save + save as (both at the same time) Why?

Ok, so it seems I was not completely aware of how this works then! So you mean that each project has 2 save states at the same time: 1 user saved state + 1 auto save state ?

So if I save project 1, and then make changes on it, I will have those 2 states available? even when I switch to project 2 and get back to project 1?

Thanks again man.

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i guess I’ll point out as well that “sync to card” should be done before ejecting the CF card to ensure you don’t loose anything, it’s really the only time you have to perform that function…


If you look at the contents of the CF card you can see the .work files (active state) and .strd (saved state) files. Before you “save” project there’s only .work files.


I guess .strd must stand for “stored”. When I think about it that’s the right denomination. Everything is auto-saved in the .work file, and that state can be stored in a safe place. It certainly makes sense for a live orientated device that’s basically designed to destroy just about everything during performance.

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That sounds likely, I thought about what it might stand for as I was typing that yesterday and nothing came to mind… Banks and parts work the same, you don’t need to save them as they are autosaved, but you can and then you can reload them, parts being the best for live as they are instantaneously reloaded.

I do believe it’s all designed for extreme manipulation and then reload to get back home, I love it that way, it’s perfect for how I operate…

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That’s how I interpreted too.

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I’m confortable now with the save and restore workflow, just one thingy that needs confirmation: when we do “save part” (or “save all parts”) are they stored the the .strd file or saved in the .wrk file?

I think it is saved in the corresponding file. Do a reload for test.

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Wouldn’t that be illogical? I mean, we already have autosave for everything in the .wrk files. If we reload a project, it’s reloaded frome the .strd file. Why would we need to save parts the .wrk files if it’s already done by autosave? (I’m sure this question has been answered in the forum, sorry for this, I’m not in a situation right now to start browsing the forums, I’m having a band rehearsal and the question came up concerning our work in progress)

If you want to reload a specific state of a part, you have to save it.
The “saved state” of parts is not auto saved.
The actual state of parts is auto saved.

Edit : I checked. If you save a project, then save a part, then reload the project, the part is not saved. So I think parts are saved with files.



BTW, it would be so much clearer (to me, at least) if Elektron named these functions/states differently: “store” (and it’s counterpart “restore”) and “save”. Sometimes I feel like they made simple stuff difficult to apprehend to maintain that “deep” aura that surrounds their products. I mean… trigless trigs… WTF… on the other hand, we can buy meatless meat and cheeseless cheese too… oh well…

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Well, trigless trigs are especially irritating, because in comparison to lock trigs trigless trigs may indeed trigger (envelopes).

The way I see it is that one of the main uses of the word trig is to “launch” something…
Trigs launch notes.
Trigless locks therefore don’t trig(launch) notes but have locks…
Trigless trigs however don’t trig notes(trigless) but they still trig envelopes/lfos(trigs)…

Sure they could have named it something way more technical, somebody at :3lektron: has a sense of humor… :smile: I can see how this might drive tech industry people mad, for me it’s all part of the fun… :rofl:


I’ve been told that next update will include lockless locks :wink:

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I know that “trigless” is meant as “no sample trigger”.

What I implicitly/really meant is: it would make more sense when trigless trigs and lock trigs (which are really trigless in every sense) are named the other way around :wink:


Lock trigs are the new terminology introduced with Digitakt and trying to be used across the board.
Original OT terminology is: Trigs / Trigless Locks / Trigless Trigs


I prefer the old terminology and think “Lock Trigs” make it even more confusing…
Newest OTMK1 manual still calls them trigless locks, OTMK2 manual calls them lock trigs…

bit off-topic, but that ear was used in the MNM manual to warn about feedback values above 64 on the delay being more than 100% feedback, seems like the Elektron tech writers should read their own manuals :laughing:


I also have been told than a new reggae-beatbox machine is planned. Featuring dreadlock trigs, of course.


My OT won’t let me play reggae… I always get “Dub Aborted”… :grin: